Spectacle me a Family Camcorder?

19 Dec 2005
Manchester, England
I'm looking for a camcorder for general family use - holidays and the like - don't really want to spend loads, but don't want to skimp on quality either. Something small and lightweight would be a bonus too :)

I've got a Sony HC39 (I think)

Brilliant, light, quiet and native widescreen. Also takes photos although not too arsed with that.

Through various affiliate schemes (check your credit cards etc) I got it for £290 which was brilliant.
I had exactly the same requrements as you Ogami, and I bought a Sony PC53-e last summer. I dont know if you can still buy them, but it was the smallest mini-dv camcorder available - see http://www.sony.co.uk/view/ShowProd...w_en_GB&pageType=Overview&category=CAM+MiniDV for info.
I can highly recommend them, its tiny (for what it is, easily fits into a pocket so great for filming the kids on hols etc), and the quality is really good. Bet they are really cheap now, if they are still about - I got mine for ~£475 last year. Comes with a docking station too, which makes editing nice and easy.
You know you want one.... :p
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