Spoiler tags

16 May 2004
Can we have them please?

There is a little debate or should I say, moaning going on in the "Walking Dead" thread regarding spoilers for currently aired episodes and future episodes. Some one mentioned that it is easy to add these 'Spoiler tags' to these boards. It would certainly help and keep the threads from descending into the old argument of how people are watching episodes not aired in the UK yet. We all know the rules regarding that.

Its not the first time people have mentioned other members posting about what happens in episodes not aired.

I think I really would be an added bonus to the forums.

Maybe a Mod passing by could put it to a poll, such as:

Do you want Spoiler Tags?

Leave it to the poster to add "Spoiler" to their post
Suspend posters who post about future episodes

What do you all think?
Probably worth it just to stop the bickering about it, what better way to solve the arguing about it than just removing the source of the argument in the first place. Stick in spoiler tags, issues solved, arguments cease, those who dont mind/want the spoilers can click on the tags for them, those who dont want the spoilers can read the thread and still avoid the spoilers, a win/win scenario for all.
Thats my thought on it too. Solves many issues in a quick solution.

Indeed, as I say, its a win/win situation. We do after all join a thread to discuss something, not to spend page after page discussing whether or not the post above should be allowed. All of that could be prevented by simply adding spoiler tags, would mean then that the threads arent flooded with discussion about the thread rather than about the subject. Though it would mean that a few people get less of an increase in their postcounts :D
It's been discussed in the past in the DR (and it's been requested again), without agreement.

In the mean time the color tag with the value #1c5780 works for the normal forum colour scheme.
Spoilersrather like this.
BTW the titanic sinks

end spoilers
Or just don't include spoilers full stop, whilst i've not moaned about it in the wd thread I do agree with what the guys are saying about it being unneeded.
People forget to add the tags or quotes of quotes don't have the tags.

Just leave it as it is, no talk of something that hasn't aired yet. It's a simple rule with no confusion that works regardless of theme being used.
Just leave it as it is, no talk of something that hasn't aired yet. It's a simple rule with no confusion that works regardless of theme being used.

In an ideal world that would be the perfect option, however .. people seem to be incapable of following the rules (either from not knowing the rules or lack of self control) and the rules themselves dont seem to be being enforced as most spoiler posts which break the rules appear to go unpunished. So more aids to help avoid rule breaking seems like a good idea to me, either that or you just abolish the rule as its not being followed or adhered to anyway.
Rtm more often then. Replacing a system where you rely on the user instead off another that relies on the use is pointless :p
dont expect any spoiler tags anytime soon it takes them years to add features to the board, usually you can back up the files your editing and edit them in real time simples.

if something goes wrong just copy/paste the files back to how they were
For god's sake :( :mad:

Can you please put ***Spoilers*** in the thread title in the future, totally ruined this for me.
If spoiler tags were implemented it wouldn't necessarily mean people would always use them. There'll always be one idiot who'll barge into the thread and let everyone know who Skywalker's daddy is no matter what.

RTMing posters who spoil programs before they air and avoiding threads until you've seen the episode after it has aired are the best solutions.

Ultimately, this is the internet and here thar be spoilers!
People can use the colour change method now, if they can't be bothered to do that why would they be bothered to use spolier tags?

It's really not that hard
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