ST170 Aftermark MP3/CD Player

8 Oct 2005
Midlands, UK
Hi all,

Does anyone know if its possible to put an aftermarket cd/mp3 player in a 2002 focus ST170?

Not sure if you will want to keep the orig player for when you sell the car, but when i took my standard cd player out of my focus I managed to sell it on ebay for about 75ish.

Just a thought to possibly recoup some money back from buying a new player :)

BenjiSayers said:
Not sure if you will want to keep the orig player for when you sell the car, but when i took my standard cd player out of my focus I managed to sell it on ebay for about 75ish.

Just a thought to possibly recoup some money back from buying a new player :)


lol lol and lol. Just had a test drive in a 2002 model and found pit what insurance goup these are in. I was going along an a road and the guy told me to slow down, looked at the speedo and was doing 74.

I'd loose my drivers licence a bit too easily with something as powerful as this. Just checked the insurance group too - 15. rofl. I'm 23, my insurance has recently gone down, but my current insurers want an extra £550 plus an a thatchem approved cat 2 alarm in there too. no thanks.

However, must say, i like the look of them over the standard focus. If it wasn't for the stupidly high insurance i would have bought the car (have the money waiting) on the spot, as £6600 for a 2002 STI170 aint bad.
im sure you could find cheaper insurance. 23 and wanting an extra £550 (which must be on a good few £££ insurance already) is silly, unless you have history.
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