Stalker+ op flashpoint- good or bad?

18 Oct 2002
i've thinking of getting these games but i have seen mixed views, mainly pple have been asking how thy run, which is fair enough question to ask.
but i would like to know if these games are simply fun or not, bad games or good games.

1. stalker= good or bad game= ?
2. Op flashpoint= good or bad game= ?
They are both difficult.... Operation Flashpoint is very old? :O

Do you mean Arma: Armed Assault? - from the creators of Op Flashpoint.

if so its an excellent game/ simulation .... but very difficult... i wouldnt call it a game.... as such.

STALKER is like a film and it is very difficult.. but that is most certainlly a Video Game.

IMHO Armed Assault is amazing... i played Operation Flashpoint to death... and... Armed Assault is everything Op Flashpoint needed to be.

There may be bugs... but it is such a kool simualtion/ game. Online Multiplayer is awesome ..

People say its buggy and the worst game they have played... but they clearly havent played Op Flashpoint and dont appreciate a good simulation. You cant run in and shoot everything. You have to give commands or be commanded. You must watch everything very closely and not make any daft moves.

STALKER - its very buggy... but so much fun. Very difficult.

You die, and just want to keep playing ...

Enough said.
I cant speak for STALKER have to wait for my B-day to get it :( . BUT as for ArmA, don't even think about NOT getting it. It is one of the best games on the PC ever. Yes it's more sim than game, but that does not mean it's not entertaining, and providing you've got a fairly decent setup, it's also one of the best looking games EVER.

There is loads of user made missions to download, or if your into making your own, there is a powerful editor included.
A big thumbs up for ArmA. Once you get it to run ok on your rig (yes you will be in and out of the graphics settings screen quite a few times!) its superb. And you just know in 6 months time there is going to be a huge catalogue of add ons and improvements. :) Not for the arcade minded, more for the immersion junkie!
Stalker is absurdly easy, you got that wrong, you're just not far enough in, not that far in, infact after the first major mission line you can get near enough the best suit in the game and go get some of the best guns, artifacts an 1/4 of the way through, if that, you become almost invincible. i played till just before the first lab on "master" difficulty level aswell and i died a stupid amount, because i didn't notice i was on that difficultly level :p if you think aiming and damage is bad on Stalker :o

i'm having fun playing, but the games difficulty scaling, AI and everything is so completely out of whack its a joke. hopefully someone will fix the guns, suits, and story's with mods. but it needs even more of an overhaul than oblivion needed. at least the stories were there in oblivion, its not in stalker. could have been so easily game of the decade, but they screwed up almost every single part of it somehow or another :(
operation flashpoint, what a game, still have those games, they still look pretty respectable as well to be honest, theres supposed to be operation flashpoint 2 coming out soon!
i got stalker today, not excepting much since there is so much talk of bugs and dated graphics. i was suprised, it's actually great. i haven't came across a single bug yet (and i'm running vista 64 bit!) and its just so atmospheric, it's exactly what i'd expect chernobyl to look and feel like. The grainy graphics only add to the feeling that every aspect of the environment has been scarred by the radiation.
Roduga said:
Fantastic game imho, although a little old. :D

what games your signiture, been looking for a racing game on PC worth buying for years now, and that my friend looks like a ferrari 360! :D
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