Star Trek Online

Have updated the first post to add captain names and ship names - post them here if you want your @handle added (so you can be added as a friend), your captain names and your starship names :). Will do my best to keep it updated!
was getting a load of issues earlier, may or may not be coincidental but i reinstalled, re-patched and havent crashed/DCd since, huzzah

previously i was DCing every time i transitioned between space and ground and every few zones, well chuffed i resolved that one

got to lt5 and decided to call it a night, im in no hurry with the fed, id actually like some of my pre-order bonuses to be useful when they get activated rofl
Anyone know why i cant visit any system when not on a mission or beam to a planet to level up killing klingons on em. Kinda sucks if i can only beam down when on a mission or visit a system when on a mission. grr.
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