Well some of the orginal posters here who only lasted a week are going to be eating their hats soon i think lol
Well youll know how to use it from tribble, althought I don't think theirs too much new to be doing missions wise is their?
I just saw the pics of the Borg ship enhancements
Will definitely need to get doing some raids!
It is a shame everyone expect all of this at release in MMOs these days - sadly why many fail.
Expecting working features and a good amount of bug free content yes but expecting an MMO to have huge amount of content/features (much more than any sp game) is silly. People cant seem to understand that comparing a new MMO to one that's been out for years in unfair on the new game when it comes to the level of content.
If they said all 4 races would have full content then yes i would. But if they said only 2 then no. ( I cant remember if they mentioned anything). But i would expect that the other 2 would be added in due course (maybe even more as it is st).
I would agree that ST might not of had enough content for the later levels which could have been solved at least temporarily with better repeatable content.
To be fair though, people are right to expect the content and features at release. Damn right imo. We sit here as gamers and we repeatedly moan about the state of gaming and the way in which companies of all genres keep releasing games which are buggy, incomplete , lacking features and/or a mess. Yet we still buy them time and time again and we just wave our hands and simply accept that it is how it is. As long as we do that , nothing will change.
Nothing will change though. Many games where they have tried to get them completely finished for release have gone under either before the game has been finished (e.g. the original Star Trek Online concept by Perpetual) or shortly after release (APB). The fact is, many of the game developers and publishers these days are struggling to make money, unless you have a very popular game like WoW, COD, HL etc.
The great thing here, is that the core game is strong now and the content can be filled by players (and we know how much can be achieved by a fanbase as hardcore as this one).
Certainly nothing will change if people do nothing about it. Change doesnt happen by itself after all.
If developers are struggling to make money then they probably shouldnt embark on expensive projects in the first place. I would have a very hard time if the company I work for was struggling to make money , convincing my bosses that I need £20 million to fund a project. When someone is struggling for money, trying something which they a) dont have the money to do properly in the first place and b) has a high risk of failing , is suicidal anyway. Its kind of the reason why I dont try building a £500,000 house at the moment
Also more thought needs to go into the selection of the developers to create an MMO. Perpetual Entertainment were never the right company to handle a license like Star Trek. The Star Trek franchise is not exactly a cheap one, or one which is short of funds, something as big as the ST franchise needed to go to a company with a lot more experience and aptitude than Perpetual. Generally speaking if you have a big name franchise then you are better off going with a big name dev to increase your chances of getting things right. Its probably a factor in why Star Wars as an MMO isnt developed by Backdoor Entertainment productions.
The problem is that, certainly on the PC, we aren't getting many games as it is and to make it profitable most developers are now simply porting their console designed games over to the PC. I would rather have a few slightly buggy/broken games (which in most cases either won't affect me or will be fixed by the community) than no games at all.
The selection of developers certainly needs to be taken into consideration, but again, options are limited. Most of the top developers have their own games and won't take on another project e.g. Blizzard and WoW. It isn't all about experience or money either, Bioware will make a number of mistakes that all other MMO developers have made.