Start Folding the Easy Way!!

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2002
Hi guys, been tracking this app for a while, although for us crusty old folders this is probably redundant info, for people just starting out or who are fans of point and shoot setups this app is ideal to get up and running fast on Folding@Home as you can manage multiple clients (on one computer) with all the settings you want/need.

Dekez you may want to add it to the stickie :)

FAH GPU Tracker V2

FAH GPU Tracker V2 is a Folding@Home client tracking and control program that I created to make folding easier.
Tracker main window
- Controls up to 9 clients (CPU or SMP, up to 8 GPUs)
- Tracks detailed stats for every client and every name/team combo
- Tracks WU failures by project number for each client
- Saves the logs of failed WUs
- Can automatically reconfigure user information from an XML file
- Gaming Pause feature to pause clients while gaming
- Automatically updating projects list (pulled from psummary)
- Hides all client windows to prevent taskbar clutter
- Can be minimized to system tray
- Automatic update support
- Heat Control setting to throttle GPUs based on the current WU
- Allows switching between the GPU2 and GPU3 clients (per-GPU)
- Can export an XML file with the current status of the Tracker
- Can upload the XML status file to an FTP server
- Downloads the FAH clients from Stanford on first run
- PPD monitoring of all clients including bonus points for SMP A3

Download 3.54 Final
Setup Guide


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HFM is just for monitoring and generating web pages really, esp useful if you have multiple machines folding so you can monitor them in one place.

This tool is for setting up a machine with CPU's and multiple GPU's easily with all the options in a GUI.

What you are probably having problems with is that Folding is MUCH harder on your hardware than most other distributed computing, its often quoted as being harder than some stress testing software.
No no "with these apps your a spoiling us" is the term ;)

good to have you aboard Baba.. now I'm scared :D

No thats not right.

Try without the gpu first and stabilise the performance of the CPU.

Make sure you have SMP enabled you should be getting around 15-20K for a SMP WU depending on the type you get.

I don't do many plain SMP wu's but I know I get around 7-8K on my Q9650
We don't spend 5 figure sums :) and more often than not most parts are bought second hand. Then there is the return on selling our old hardware which helps recoup some of the cost. and finally there is the savings to be made from lower power usage of newer tech.

And of course most of us do it for the science having lost one or more friends and family to diseases that are being researched by the projects.
Its no so much more ram, its having enough ram to fill the slots to get dual or quad channel going on quad socket machines.

Although obviously, having more slots to fill means you often can end up getting more ram than you need unless you planned carefully to start with, which isn't always possible when you are trying to get all the bits to get a cruncher up and running asap
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