Starting a 10 day fruit/veg juice fast - Few questions

4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Hi there people, I'm really excited to go on a 10 day fruit/veg fast to do a natural detox, hopefully lose a tiny amount of weight and make me feel great. You might think why 10 days, well its expensive and its just a trial, if I enjoy it I plan on doing a full 60 days after christmas as I've heard and seen people have amazing results from this.

The reason I've posted is to ask people with experience of juice fasting for some advice/tips...for example I already researched online and it gave me a list of vegatbles to avoid due to high toxicity of pesticides and also to aim for mostly organic foods.

The veg I've been advised to avoid due to high toxicity of pesticides are:
Collard Greens
Cucumber (not as bad if you peel the skin)

The veg I have been advised to start with are:
Celery (only if organic)
Fennel (anise)
Cucumbers(only if organic)

It then says: "When you've acclimatized yourself to juicing, you can start adding these vegetables:"
Red leaf lettuce
Green Leaf lettuce
Romaine lettuce

My questions to you are, which fruits and veggies should I buy, which are cheapest because I'm not loaded, and what are good combinations which taste nice?

Also because I lift weights and I'm trying to gain muscle and lose bodyfat should I do it like this...3 whey protein shakes and 5 veg/fruit juices? as an example? that way I would still be getting some protein as well as the vitamins and minerals from the fruit.

Also I know bananas have high carbs so they would be a good choice to add some carbs but what about fats? I just want to drink shakes and juices only for 10 days, no solid food at all.

Thanks in advance.
seems like a lot of contradiction going on there, for example spinach is in the avoid list as well as the end list.

i dont know much about pesticides and toxicity but i thought so long as you washed before eating you were fine.

you could always buy frozen/tinned if cost is an issue.

are you going to be using a juicer or a blender? as you keep on saying juice when i think you should be saying smoothie.
Why are you cutting out everything other than your juice?
That site specifically says:
It is important to note that vegetable juice has very little protein and virtually no fat so by itself it is not really a complete food. It really should be used in addition to your regular meals not in place of it.
Google 7lbs in 7 days, it's exactly what you are doing but more structured. There is a book but also an app for it too if you have an iphone / ipad.
sounds quite drastic , be interested to see how you do feel on it

i would guess some people dont feel that good at all on it
sounds quite drastic , be interested to see how you do feel on it

i would guess some people dont feel that good at all on it

if its juice, then its most likely he will end up doing a lot of damage to his system with the insulin spikes, etc.

if its smoothies, then it's not much different to food and he should be fine.

it is a weird thing to do though. he will lose muscle as well as bodyfat, i doubt anyone could gain muscle on such a diet.
If you really feel the need to do something like this at least follow something like Lyle Mcdonalds Rapid fatloss program, it's based around a PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) principal which is designed to save lean mass.
One of the silliest things I've read in a while, thanks OP.

a) you won't find pesticides are a problem in this country iirc, and if you're concerned, rinse your food.

b) "detox" as a principle is nonsense

I going to guess that this came from an American website *looks back over OP for website*

Why are you cutting out everything other than your juice?
That site specifically says:
It is important to note that vegetable juice has very little protein and virtually no fat so by itself it is not really a complete food. It really should be used in addition to your regular meals not in place of it.
Right, so a quick google reveals that this is the source:

Ok I'm not sure why I'm getting such negative feedback, also not sure what the difference is between the word juice or smoothie, I just watched the documentary, really fat people were losing lots of weight doing this fruit/veg fast for 60 days and I think one guy did it for 6 months who was like 429 pounds to begin with and got down to 220 pounds eventually.

A lot of you have mentioned protein and losing muscle, but I've kind of said to myself over past 5 months, forget the muscle, just concentrate on losing fat, so I've been cutting since 29th april 2011, I've lost over 30 pounds, havent weighed myself in 3-4 weeks so probably lost even more then that now as I said to myself I was not going to weigh myself again until end of the year and then hopefully the scales will say 17 stone or less the next time I do as I was hovering around 18 for a while.

Most forums I've been on have told me to just focus on getting bodyfat down and forget the muscle as everyone whos seen my pictures has said I'm 20% bodyfat or more even! Which is why for the last 5 months I've never even thought about gaining muscle. But as it happens I've got leaner and I believe I have gained a slight amount of muscle and also maintained what I already had because my measurements for arms/chest/legs etc are the same as they 5 months ago yet I've gone down two belt buckles and 2 inches off my jeans size. So as far as I'm concerned what I've done in the last 5 months has been a complete success, I've had completements off all the regulars at the gym and I've never looked better before.

But I still have the problem of holding too much fat around the mid section, and I've kinda been saying to myself this past month, "If I could only just shift this last chunk of fat, I'd be there! I'd be where I want to be" because I feel the rest of my body is fine it's just my stomach and if I can get that area at least completely flat with no roundness then the whole package would come together. Then I watched this documentary on fruit/veg juice fasting, and I'd heard of this before, some family members doing it too, and I thought ya know what I'd love to do that for 60 days or even 90 days or more like the people in the documentary did but I cant afford it, so both the documentary and most websites I've been on recommend 10 days, I've seen some that recommend starting at 15 days also. But I reckon it's going to cost me £20 per day so 10 days at £200 will be enough for me.

I'm hoping to feel great after doing it, to have a natural detox the first few days and clean out all my insides. Also I think because I've been eating healthy foods for past few years anyways that this wont be as hard or as a drastic for me as it would be for someone that eats refined, processed food, and fast food, junk food.

Regarding the protein tho, I thought to myself, well, I want to do this exactly as they did it in the documentary but at the same time I'm not going to not go to the gym, so therefore I need protein so I've decided to have 3 protein shakes a I'd probably have my days structured with 1 fruit juice, 4 veg juices, and 3 whey protein shakes. Thats the plan anyways. And I've read some tips to add lemon, olive oil, and honey to my veg juices so I'll prob do that and then try and work it out so the calories are 500 less then I need so that I can hopefully lose some weight over the 10 days, and maybe just do quick light sessions at the gym with some cardio.
One of the silliest things I've read in a while, thanks OP.

a) you won't find pesticides are a problem in this country iirc, and if you're concerned, rinse your food.

b) "detox" as a principle is nonsense

I going to guess that this came from an American website *looks back over OP for website*

Right, so a quick google reveals that this is the source:


Thats just one website I looked at for tips, I already posted the source as the origonal documentary and then followed it to up this website which then led me to this website

You guys seem to have some big issues and problems with me doing this juice fast. The way you're all coming across is pretty much how you've always come across with me over the years. It feels like you're flaming me and you're basically laughing at me?

Not really sure where this anger and hatred is coming from? The thread title is "Starting a 10 day fruit/veg juice fast - Few questions" I was hoping someone would reply and say something along the lines of:

"Hi Scotch, yes mate, I've been on a fruit/veg fast before and it was great, the first few days was hard because I was on the toilet none stop because it detoxes your body to begin with, but after that it got easier and I started to feel great once my body got adjusted. My tips for you are add lemon and olive oil to your juices and try to buy all organic. Also spending money on a decent juicer/blender is worth it in my opinion as the cheaper ones arent always powerful enough to chop through certain veggies and potatoes depending on what foods you plan to use. Good luck with your fast! :)"

Thats what I would have expected, but instead I just get flamed with disrespect.
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I should think a 430lb person would lose dramatic weight on a diet such as this, not due to some magical properties of blending fruit together but because they're gonna be on a pretty massive calorific deficit.

EDIT: £20 a DAY!? Better you than me, I'd be eating steaks and caviar all day if I suddenly had £20/day for food!
seems like a lot of contradiction going on there, for example spinach is in the avoid list as well as the end list.

i dont know much about pesticides and toxicity but i thought so long as you washed before eating you were fine.

you could always buy frozen/tinned if cost is an issue.

are you going to be using a juicer or a blender? as you keep on saying juice when i think you should be saying smoothie.

I dont want to buy frozen or tinned, I want to buy all fresh and all organic so that I get the veg fruit as close to the original source as possible and full of vitamins and minerals which can be lost when processed, refined and sprays with pesticides.

Also regarding what you said about contradictions, the website I found was basically telling you which veggies had the highest toxicity of pesticides and made a list, and then it was telling you which veggies to eat first in your juices/smoothies and which to avoid to start with, because some are harder for your body to digest or cope with and some will have you on the toilet more then others, so some veggies are easier for your body to deal with and some it says to add at a later date. Thats all I was trying to explain there and was asking for tips and your opinions.

Like for example you might have said:
"Yes I was on a juice fast and I found celery/spinach/cucumber worked best for me for first few weeks and then I started adding banana's/carrots etc." as an example.
I should think a 430lb person would lose dramatic weight on a diet such as this, not due to some magical properties of blending fruit together but because they're gonna be on a pretty massive calorific deficit.

EDIT: £20 a DAY!? Better you than me, I'd be eating steaks and caviar all day if I suddenly had £20/day for food!

Well I'm just seeing it as an investment, a one off, I also found a post on about fasting for bodybuilders and how they recommend we do it for 7 days once every 6 months. There's thousands of websites and forums talking about it, I must have read over 20 sites and watched youtube videos etc in last few days.
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