Steam Community Game Nights - Your Suggestions

12 Jan 2003
As with the title/steam announcement, i would like some suggestions for game nights that people would like to see accommodated on the Steam Community. This is specifically for the less popular mods (as in, CS, DoD and the Source versions of these are well known about and will be accomodated whilst the interest is still there).

I'm currently looking to run:

- Insurgency Mod
- The Hidden Mod

The idea is that an admin will post an even on the Steam Community with a time to be in the chat room. If everyone meets in the chat room a few mins before then we can gauge numbers and find an empty server somewhere. We can do a few and just see how it goes.
Just got insurgency and think it's flipping awesome, too bad for all the crashing :(

If we could get a nice team together on an empty server we could tear the place up :p
Sinque said:
Just got insurgency and think it's flipping awesome, too bad for all the crashing :(

If we could get a nice team together on an empty server we could tear the place up :p

Whats causing the crashing? It's rock stable on mine (Vista 64).
Is there really this few people interested? There is like 160+ people in the Steam community. Come on people. Even if its just to confirm that you'd like CS/DoD and Ins/The Hidden nights at some point!
I would be interested in Ins / R:O and in-fact pretty much anything. Not really bothered about the game cause any game is good if you're not just randomly joining public servers...

Don't have the original HL so no mods for that :(
The point of this is that we play through the OcUK Steam Community. So it does have to be through Steam in this case.

I'm up for anything and everything. Insurgancy (haven't got this yet), Hidden (would love a game of that tonight ;)), GMOD, all of it. :D
naffa said:
The point of this is that we play through the OcUK Steam Community. So it does have to be through Steam in this case.
Yeah as revolution said, you can add the Steam Community overlay to pretty much any game. Steam allows you to add external executables to the steam game list.

Ok well i'll start off with something this week. I am thinking a wednesday to start with. maybe tuesdays/thursdays. just depends really.
i will try and see about getting some more admins added who can organise other game nights etc. but will try this first and see how it goes.
Can we get together for a game of something tonight? I'm itching for some GMod or Hidden or something. I haven't had a good game of Source for a while now.
I've played a few games set up through events on another large community (NeoGAF). So far I have found the best way to start these things off are with the more well known games. If you do start with a mod you are alienating some of the community, which will in turn hurt future events. I know this through experience. You really need to start a CSS night first of all, then open a few mod nights and even non steam games.

Also, it would be nice if we could have a steam community sticky or something, the community isn't very big atm.
Appreciate CSS is prolly the most popular game and therefore should come first, but let's not have it every week? A bit of variety has to be a good thing, and I can't be the only one that doesn't like CSS.
we dont have to only have 1 game night
just be a good idea to have the most popular game played one night every week

we can have other nights for other games, its up to the community to arrange it all of course

do any community members have servers?
We won't have just 1 game night.
I was thinking having 1 night for community mods and 1/2 nights for the more popular Valve stuff.

Perhaps every:
Sunday - CS/CS:S
Monday/Tuesday - Insurgency/Hidden/SourceForts/PVK etc.
Wednesday/Thursday - DoD/DoD:S/Deathmatch/TFC

Then have other games such as Q3A or UT2k4 or whatever on one of those nights when we want. There will definitely need to be more admins as i don't have UT or Q3A or DoD etc. (though i can get DoD).

Well i will try and sort out a CS:S match for tonight. What time suits people best? I was thinking 8 or 9?
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