Steam in home streaming - what do to when game brings up UAC on host?

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand

I've got a game (Star Citizen) added to my steam library and was trying to get it to play over steam streaming. So far, every native steam game works fine but SC brings up the UAC menu on the host, which I cannot click through on the client pc as steam in home streaming hasn't actually connected yet.

What I'm looking for is for some advice how others have got around this issue, not necessarily with SC but I'm sure other games that are not native steam powered do the same.

Any thoughts or guidance (that does not include turning it off) would be grand.


what about running steam "as administrator" then the uac action shouldnt be a problem..

I'll try that, as that might be the most realistic option... the user account is already set to in active directory to be an administrator so I don't need a password for UAC, but I'll give it a go.
Am I the only one that has no idea what UAC means?

UAC stops other programs from making changes to your system without you knowing, how effective it is I don't actually know but given the amount of hi-jacked flash websites that are around I'd rather have it on and solve it then turn it off and leave the pc potentially compromised.
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