Steam Summer Sale 2011

I bought X3 earlier at £9.99, I should've waited, that'll teach me. :p

I've been enjoying it a lot though, and if you've played Eve Onlne before, you won't have a problem with it. If you've never played a game like X3 before, first of all you owe it to yourself to try it out, and secondly, good luck. :D
Honestly, just get X3: Terran Conflict.

Playing through all of them now would be a pain unless you're a purist for story and it's not exactly it's strong point.
Aye, its not so much the cost, but the principle. These little sudden price increases do get annoying, especially if its still being advertised at lower price on the front page.
Hmmm...wasn't Terraria £1.49? Just been bumped up to 2.99 whilst I was wandering the stores.

Edit: Oops, dupe post info on this (it's late, didn't read the last few posts :P) But yeah this is terrible. Price is still okay but just ninja bumping the price on a daily deal is harsh.
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Bah, I also had cheap Terraria in my cart but still browsing for more deals. No Terraria for me then. It's not a big difference in price but I've now set my mind on getting it for a specific price and I can wait. I can wait six months (Christmas sales) even.

The first few days of sales I thought I might get through these sales without buying a thing. Looking my purchase history now I see that I still managed to find 7 games and 6 pieces of DLC. 28 tickets too.
It's ridiculous, you can't put up a deal for 24 hours and just bump the price couple hours later.

Pathetic practice... Glad I got my own copy at £1.49.
Yup the ********* have upped the price. I was out at dinner, saw it was 75% off and decided to buy it, got home and it had doubled in price.

No way I am buying it now.

It is not the money that is the issue, it is the principle, it feels misleading and dishonest. If they have some hidden sales threshold, or the price is intended to increase after x hours then they should let us know.
Think you get 2 extra games with the odd box ? the 3D ones. Tbh I never really liked the 3D abe's the 2D side scroller type ones are miles better imo
I was thinking about buying it but even £3 is a bit much for me as I'll probably end up playing it for less than an hour.
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