Sticking stuff onto a car...

30 Dec 2005
Hi there,

I'm taking part in the Student Brakeaway (Student Gumball Rally), for which we leave on Thursday, and we were just about to decorate our car, in a "golf" theme.

However, we've suddenly become worried about the legalities of attaching stuff to the body...

It's mainly lots of vinyls(fine, I guess), a flag on the aerial, and.... a driving range on the roof.

By this I mean the roof is to be covered in fake turf, like you get at a driving range, and then a couple of tees.

Is this legal? I don't want to be done before leaving the UK!


I don't know? Is it?

I couldn't search, obviously... but I shall go have a "manual look". ;)
A friends clio is covered in vinyls. It looks amazing. He had a tiger on his bonnet, one of a grim reaper, racing stripes(oh yus) a few stars, you name it, it was on there. The product of his boredom, lol
We have shelby (viper) stripes too :D

I know the vinyls will be OK though.

As a side point, anyone got any idea on how to stick a load of fake grass securely onto a roof?

Just loads of tape?
Cobra said:
As a side point, anyone got any idea on how to stick a load of fake grass securely onto a roof?

Assuming that you didn't ever want to take it off again, I would use a strong but flexable glue such as EvoStik.
Why not tie it round under the tops of the doors (inside the car). So basically closing it in the doors, along with some adhesive, for that extra security :p
I don't think tying it would hold - it could just slip out backwards. I'm thinking glue, and then loads of black nasty around the ages (esp. front!)
my mate did a student gumball to North Africa a few months ago. His rover, for £70, was covered in fur, all over, and had bright pink wheels and stickers all over the windows so I'd think you will be ok!
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