First leg day ever using only machines. Very weird.
HACK SQUAT THING (3*10) Full stack; not very interesting.
SINGLE LEG HACK SQUATT (3*10) Half stack; going for full DBSS pain.
QUAD HAMAGE SUPERSET (20-10-20) Worked down to a full stack, but just couldn't get enough... so piled on the reps.
A gash workout, but figured I would at least try the gym in my current office. I do t really see the attraction of machines unless a person is determined to squeeze the last marginal gain out of a muscle. My legs feel like they have worked, but only on the surface... after a squatting session, even my bones feel tired (probably the difference between muscle and neural fatigue).
Regardless, it was an experience... and I will see whether it is worth it next time I squat.