Storing passwords on a Word doc

23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
Hi chaps.

I am having difficulty remembering all my passwords as I do nearly everything online nowadays and like to have different ones for security.

I am wondering how safe would it be to have them sotred on a Word document on my PC?

Are the viruses that search for this kind of stuff? Would it be better to store it on an external HD, or is it best just to have them written down on a piece of paper?

Thanks. :)
Can't comment on keeping passwords in a word document but you should consider KeePass - great little program.
Yer it would not be safe stored as a plain word document. It would be ok if you encrypted the word doc (office 2007+), you can do this when saving from MS Office.

Best solution is Keepass though as said above :)
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Another vote for KeePass! There are plugins for KeePass available that will populate the username and password fields on websites from the data held within the KeePass database for you, depending on which browser you use. I know it exists for Firefox, but I'm not sure for Chrome et all.
Had the same trouble remembering passwords (I am 70) so put them all on Excel & put a password YOU WON'T FORGET on that. Works for me
I store my passwords and confirmation details of accounts etc in text files which are stored in a single RAR file which is:

a: Passworded
b: Contents filename encrypted

Because of Windows 7 Pinned start menus it's immensely easy to access with little faff :p
I store my passwords and confirmation details of accounts etc in text files which are stored in a single RAR file which is:

a: Passworded
b: Contents filename encrypted

Because of Windows 7 Pinned start menus it's immensely easy to access with little faff :p

Bit risky that when you extract it the decrypted file is written to disk & temp files and awaiting file recovery /paranoid :)
Bit risky that when you extract it the decrypted file is written to disk & temp files and awaiting file recovery /paranoid :)

Would be highly unlikely since the space occupied by the temp file would be overwritten within moments!

Although having read above I think an Excel spreadsheet with the data in individual worksheets then passworded would be a more convenient solution!
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fingerprint reader on my laptop :) scan my finger and autofills in logins dependant on site, great stuff dont have to remember anything and means i could use stupidly long passwords :P Now if only there was a version on a keyboard or sumin i could use with my desktop.
Would be highly unlikely since the space occupied by the temp file would be overwritten within moments!

Although having read above I think an Excel spreadsheet with the data in individual worksheets then passworded would be a more convenient solution!

The only problem with Excel is that the password can be decrypted in seconds with something like Passware Kit assuming someone really wanted it.

TrueCrypt/KeePass etc are the better approach.. I really must try KeePass for myself one today.
The only problem with Excel is that the password can be decrypted in seconds with something like Passware Kit assuming someone really wanted it.

TrueCrypt/KeePass etc are the better approach.. I really must try KeePass for myself one today.

Perhaps in older Office versions but Office 2010 employs 128bit AES encryption for passwords and like most things, if a complex password (7chars+) is used then the time taken to crack it will be lengthy and well beyond what any would be snooper would want to hang around for.

Here's a quick Excel 2010 file I have passworded with 9 characters. Can you crack it within (to quote yourself) "seconds"!?

*taps foot*
fingerprint reader on my laptop :) scan my finger and autofills in logins dependant on site, great stuff dont have to remember anything and means i could use stupidly long passwords :P Now if only there was a version on a keyboard or sumin i could use with my desktop.

That's well cool! I wan't one :)

I wonder if there's a way to remove that fingerprint scanner, then mount an ECKey lock to your front door with that scanner wired up to unlock your front door based on a fingerprint scan

That would be the mutts nutts! LOL
That's well cool! I wan't one :)

I wonder if there's a way to remove that fingerprint scanner, then mount an ECKey lock to your front door with that scanner wired up to unlock your front door based on a fingerprint scan

That would be the mutts nutts! LOL

It came on a pretty pricy Sony VAIO business laptop im using for uni so i dont think i will be ripping it out anytime soon lol. Would be nice to see fingerprint scanning tech more readily available but as its on laptops already it may move onto other things eventually.
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