Friend of mine at work is having a very strange problem with his broadband.
He's just upgraded from 56k, and can't get the bb to work properly. For some reason he can only get online when the phone is in use. Not just as in off the hook, but as in actually engaged in a voice call.
Last night for example his wife was on the phone to a friend so he took the opportunity to get online, but when that call finished and his wife hung up....bye bye connnection. He then had to dial his home number from his mobile to get online again! He has said it does occasionally work, but it tends to only be at the weekend!
All the cables are hooked up correctly, and there are microfilters in every phone point. A BT engineer has checked the line and said there's no problem, and another BT engineeer has visited the house to check things from that end.
Has anyone come across this type of thing before? Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what's wrong and how to fix it? I'm stumped!
He's just upgraded from 56k, and can't get the bb to work properly. For some reason he can only get online when the phone is in use. Not just as in off the hook, but as in actually engaged in a voice call.
Last night for example his wife was on the phone to a friend so he took the opportunity to get online, but when that call finished and his wife hung up....bye bye connnection. He then had to dial his home number from his mobile to get online again! He has said it does occasionally work, but it tends to only be at the weekend!
All the cables are hooked up correctly, and there are microfilters in every phone point. A BT engineer has checked the line and said there's no problem, and another BT engineeer has visited the house to check things from that end.

Has anyone come across this type of thing before? Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what's wrong and how to fix it? I'm stumped!