Strange PS3 Fan Noise

29 Feb 2004
Netherton Ghetto
Just noticed that after a psone game has been in for 10-20 minutes, the fan kicks into over drive. It's ever so slightly lower than when the machine boots up and it's at max. If the game is quit and you return to the browser, the fan is still running as fast, it takes a machine reset to get it back to normal.

Anyone else experienced this? It has never happened when playing a PS3 game or a Blue-Ray film so I am not worried about the machine being faulty.

It seems the room temp was it to an extent, it's cooler today and cool boarders 2 has been running for 2 hours straight and the machine is still as quiet as when I turned it on, I guess, as suggested above, the emulation takes more out of the machine then playing a PS3 game :eek:

Just goes to show how much of the system the current PS3 games use ;)
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