
24 Sep 2005
I'm getting calls from a company called "UK Phones Network", and sounds like they're run by a bunch of Indians.

The number is: 08004049736 and they phone me about 10 times a day. I haven't answered yet, so they are all showing up as missed calls.

Is there anything I can do about it? Should I phone them? Should I wait until they phone me and answer it to see WTF they want?

Anyone else had any experience with this?
i like to do this...

1. Get an adult video playing on the computer and put it on mute

2. answer the phone (see below)

me: "hello"

them: "i would like to talk to you about your mobile contract"

me: "yes ok, just give me a minute to finish something"

them: "ok sir, thank you very much sir"

3. take the video off mute and see how long they listen to 'grunting' before they hang up.
^^^PMSL :p

Or you could wait till they ring you up and ask them what they want etc, then politely tell them that you are not interested and ask them not to ring you again....simple as that.

Or do what the above poster said:p
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