Stranglehold CE Region Free on PS3

3 Apr 2007
Not sure if this has already been posted here, Midway has decided to make both the standard version and Collector's Edition of Stranglehold region free. The Collector's edition is only available in North America, but Midway suggest you can buy it as an import if you must.

Midway has decided to make both the standard version and the North American Collector's Edition (with Hard Boiled on Blu-ray)of Stranglehold region free. Please be clear that the Collector's Edition with the movie is only available in North America, so if you live elsewhere, you'll have to buy it as an import.

I guess the higher ups do listen to you guys on the forums!

And as the UK isn't getting the CE, I'll be importing it :D

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Jihad said:
My friends were going on about the demo, I tried it and I thought it was crap on 360?

Whats the fuss with this game? :confused:

WTF Dude? You get to slide all over shooting and blowing stuff up, what more could you ask for in a game? Games are meant to be fun!
Ol!ver said:
Aren't all the PS3 games region free?

Yes they are, but the collectors edition of Stranglehold wasnt going to be because it comes with the movie "Hard Boiled" on the disc too. And Blu-Ray Movies are not region free (well most are not)
Inoshishi said:
Not sure if this has already been posted here, Midway has decided to make both the standard version and Collector's Edition of Stranglehold region free. The Collector's edition is only available in North America, but Midway suggest you can buy it as an import if you must.

And as the UK isn't getting the CE, I'll be importing it :D

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That's a great post, thanks.
I was just looking at the CE version earlier on the Canadian Import site, £37.99, and was wondering whether I could use that here.

Now I know I can, I'll get it... and damn, along with a few more... The PS3 certainly has had/is having some good releases recently. Think I may order Dirt from that Canadian place too, as it's listed for £29.99... and Ninja Gaiden, so I can do the decaps.... Hmm, GTA IV is listed at £31.99 for October... I guess that's wrong now? Hmmm, Heavenly Sword for £30.99, and Lair for £29.99.

Hmmm, I'm off to bed, before I make a tired mistake, and just order them all ;)

and sorry for wandering well off topic there, and thanks again for the tip about Stranglehold CE :)

Inoshishi said:
Not sure if this has already been posted here, Midway has decided to make both the standard version and Collector's Edition of Stranglehold region free. The Collector's edition is only available in North America, but Midway suggest you can buy it as an import if you must.

And as the UK isn't getting the CE, I'll be importing it :D

Edit: Source

Ummm... all PS3 games are region free

(and I'm judging as you specified the collectors edition with blu-ray disc - you are only talking about the ps3 version)

I suppose you could mean the blu ray disc... but then about 70% of them are region free anyway :)
tastyweat said:
Ummm... all PS3 games are region free

(and I'm judging as you specified the collectors edition with blu-ray disc - you are only talking about the ps3 version)

I suppose you could mean the blu ray disc... but then about 70% of them are region free anyway :)

See #9 ;)
It's definitely a great buy and the demo was great fun. I will definitely pick up Strangehold with Hard Boiled at some point. I'm going to buy Bioshock so I'm not to sure if I will pick it up right away.

I hope the CE continues on till at least Christmas.
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