Streaming ripped 4K films

20 Feb 2011
Has anyone successfully streamed 4K films over their home network? I was playing about with a 4K rip last night an despite the network working between 60 and 90MB/s, the film stuttered and dropped frames. Is that level of network utilisation normal for such a task?
I don't think you will be able to stream a 4k bluray to a TV, most TV's wireless adapters have really low throughput. Even the wired connection is usually only 100mb which is also too low for decent quality 4k video.
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Has anyone successfully streamed 4K films over their home network? I was playing about with a 4K rip last night an despite the network working between 60 and 90MB/s, the film stuttered and dropped frames. Is that level of network utilisation normal for such a task?

At this point in time 4k rips are a bit pointless imo.

Hdr/dolby vision makes more difference, and no one has cracked the copy protection of the 4k blurays yet.
I have streamed high quality 4K video using gigabit and an NVidia Shield.

This is very much the realms of wired only and Gigabit for anything of very high quality.
Ultra UHD Blu ray caps out at 108mbs , gigabit Ethernet will happily sustain 125mbs.

As stated above though the High quality stuff is likely only to be UHD discs and those currently cannot be cracked.
It surely also depends on the compression used no? Uncompressed 4k is 12 Gbps - which is over the 1Gbps network speed, so there will always be SOME compression, or is that incorrect?
Pretty much all 4k content including that on physical UHD Blu ray discs is compressed with HVEC 265 and while that does mean you need a decoder I had taken that as a given.

However compression in this sense does not mean you lose quality.

In all reality a full quality 4K feature is probably going to max out somewhere well under 100mbs and probably closer to 50. (108 is just a theoretical maximum)

For reference a std blu ray is usually somewhere between 18 and 25 with a much less efficient compression codec so say 3x for HVEC 4K so say between 56 and 75 is realistic.
Hmmm... The film is encoded in HVEC265. If your figures are right then I don't see why I'm seeing network usage of between 60 and 90MB/s. Nothing else was being transferred before you ask.

I was using VLC to view the film if that makes any difference.

EDIT: VLC doesn't seem to support H.265! That's a shocker!
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I don't think you will be able to stream a 4k bluray to a TV, most TV's wireless adapters have really low throughput. Even the wired connection is usually only 100mb which is also too low for decent quality 4k video.

LOL, rubbish. The streaming services use roughly 25Mbps for their UHD content and the Ultra HD Bluray spec lists three bitrates, 82Mbps, 108Mbps and 128Mbps. A 100Mb Ethernet connection is more than capable of supporting "decent quality 4k video".
have you looked at buffer size if you are getting stuttering on 4k streaming.
The dvdbeaver site, if you did not know it, had bitrate profiles of many blue-rays,but does not yet seem to do same for ultra blu's (maybe because it has no s/w players and has not been cracked ?)
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It surely also depends on the compression used no? Uncompressed 4k is 12 Gbps - which is over the 1Gbps network speed, so there will always be SOME compression, or is that incorrect?

Yes, Bluray is basically a standard for compression/encoding.

Once video becomes encoded (such as on a Bluray) it becomes a data stream as opposed to a video stream which makes the bitrate of uncompressed video irrelevant because you're transferring encoded data. The bitrate of uncompressed 4K doesn't matter in this case because you're not streaming 4K video over the network, you're streaming a data file, the bitrate of which is calculated by dividing the total size of the file by the total length of the film. The destination will do the decoding of the data to turn it back into an uncompressed video signal such as HDMI so it can be displayed on a screen.
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Hmmm... The film is encoded in HVEC265. If your figures are right then I don't see why I'm seeing network usage of between 60 and 90MB/s. Nothing else was being transferred before you ask.

I was using VLC to view the film if that makes any difference.

EDIT: VLC doesn't seem to support H.265! That's a shocker!
You haven't specified your network. Is it wired or wireless? There are also transfer overheads to consider and wireless isn't exactly full duplex like Ethernet, as well as wifi having it's own overheads to take care of.

If your network usage is 90Mb/s then that's what the network usage is.

What is the average bitrate of the whole file - not just the video stream.
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Hmm that's an average 66.6 megabits per second for the file. So considering it's variable bitrate it's not surprising the network usage is surging to 90Mb/s, and to answer your question in the OP, I'd say it was perfectly normal.

90Mb/s is less than 10% of a gigabit connection. So I'm pretty certain any stuttering and dropped frames have nothing to do with the network.
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Run task manager on both the server and client PCs. Do they both show network utilisation as 45%+??

On win 7's task manager it's a percentage and on win 8+ it shows as Mbps so it should be 45% = 900Mbps.
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I'm assuming Win server is the server and OSX is the client, and I'm assuming you're using SMB shares?

Sounds like OSX buffers the whole file to local disk and then starts reading it while it's still buffering at full whack, instead of reading it directly/only when necessary.

Can you get a disk usage meter in the task manager for Mac? Sounds like your stuttering is caused by excess disk IO.
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Have you played the 4k rips directly on the client display (sd card/usb) and also checked that refresh rate on display matches the 4k rip, otherwise display may show tearing.

what media player are you using too, you said you were using vlc and then said your vlc did not support h265 ?

(btw the calculation is just 90(GB)*8(bits)*1024 = 737280 Mb
/ (180min * 60s) = 68Mb/s
lude1962 - how did you derive 16MB/s is it not 68/8 = 9MB/s ? )
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