Street Fighter 4: Champions League (PS3)

11 Nov 2002
Street Fighter 4: Champions League (PS3):
23/03/09 - 27/04/09

Match Format
Each player plays everyone else in the league TWICE. Once with each player hosting (Home and Away).
Each tie is the best of 5 rounds (First to 3 rounds). 99 Seconds per round.
The Host (Home) player MUST play with his nominated character. Player 2 (Away) can choose to play with his nominated character or any other character. This is reversed for the return tie.

It is up to you to get your 30 matches played. All players MUST add everyone in the league to their PSN list in order to organise their matches.
It is up to you to make sure your internet connection is working so you are able to Host when required. If you have a problem and your opponent agrees you can swap hosts BUT you must stick to the same character limitations (although side advantage will be lost).
A MIMIMUM of 6 games must be played per week. The cutoff will be 6-m on Mondays. If at the end of the week you have not posted enough results a mark will go against your name. If by the following week you have not reached the next milestone, another mark, and so forth. If you know you are going to be away or unavailable, get some matches played in advance, or arrange it so you can catchup on your return. Each math will take less than 8 minutes, from start to finish, and there is 15 people to try and hassle to play online :) so it shouldn't be hard to get the games played.

3 points for a win
1 point per round won for the loser.
1 BONUS point for any PERFECT round (added to your total for that match).
1 Point only for each contestant if there is a point dispute, and a mark against your names. (Hopefully we will not need to do this and we can all be adult enough to report the scores honestly)

One of you must post the result of your tie on the forums listing, Score, Characters chosen, Home or Away and if there were any Perfects.
Important: The other person MUST quote and reply to your post to validate the result. If need be discuss the results amongst yourself first if there is a disagreement or replay your match. If you post your result and it is disputed you will score accordingly(see above).

Obviously not everyone has decent recording facilities and it will not be practical for everyone to record their 30 or so matches. However, it would be nice if EVERY PARTICIPANT could upload at least one of their matches over the course of the league. Even if it is only camera phone quality it will end up being watchable once uploaded to Youtube.

Final Results



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rp2000 vs Streeteh

Streeteh vs RaMDOM

RaMDOM vs ojste

ojste vs RaMDOM

RamDOM vs rp2000

rp2000 vs RaMDOM

ojste vs rp2000 (home & away matches)

ojste vs e36adz (home & away matches)

ojste vs margaret (home & away games)

ojste vs streeteh (home & away games)

Streeteh vs king-core

king-core vs Streeteh

e36Adz vs RaMDOM

RaMDOM vs e36Adz

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Yes please.

Nominated character - Abel (surprise)

I've also invited a mate to join the forums and get involved in these tournaments/leagues. He's currently awaiting account creation confirmation but is interested in entering this, his username is Beeneh and i vouch for him in advance :p
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Would like to put my name in again r1chuk. Am aware its invite only but if you do find you have a spare slot i'm up for it :) Hopefully e36adz will vouch for my reliability, not necessarily skill :p
Would like to put my name in again r1chuk. Am aware its invite only but if you do find you have a spare slot i'm up for it :) Hopefully e36adz will vouch for my reliability, not necessarily skill :p

I will put you down as near the top of the reserves. In the tournament you only had 1 game, you know this will be around 18-24 games over 3-4 weeks? Is there anyone else here you play some games with online regularly who will vouch for you?

Everyone else, please specify your characters.

Whappers. ;)
None of your "FIFA" "boys" joining?

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I will put you down as near the top of the reserves. In the tournament you only had 1 game, you know this will be around 18-24 games over 3-4 weeks? Is there anyone else here you play some games with online regularly who will vouch for you?

Stefnay in the 360 tournament is my best mate irl and the one I play with mostly, so dunno if he counts? The amount of games etc don't bother me, I work during the day but evenings and weekends I can always make time, especially now in these money tight times lol
This sounds a lot better than doing cruddy tournaments where you have 1 fight and lose to a spammer and thats it.. done..

Would be fun to join but i suck with the controller and i can't afford a stick.

I can't use the left shoulder buttons nor can i perform any move when i'm on the left side of the screen especially when i am online.
I would like to take part; i guess ps3udo could vouch for me (we have had some very close contests recently, playing a number of games). I have played a lot of you guys on the above list ( and i have lost most of the time :) ), so i guess on skill level i will be at the bottom. I would like to play more and improve my game. Anyway, ill leave it to other people on here to decide, no hard feelings either way.

Preferred player - Ken
some of the rules should be revised, especially the one for getting a perfect... that should be removed entirely or drastically reduced (1 point).

currently 1 perfect is almost equal to 2 wins?? :/

there seems to be too many ways to get points without actually winning...
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