Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

This is so staged.

Good vs Evil in the most final of matches possible!

EDIT - And the expected favourite wins it!

2 hours behind schedule now!

Late AE action!
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Looks like Koreans are now the bane of Daigo's EVO, and it's the two well known ones. :p

Rare footage of Daigo's quick silent rage leaving the stage. :D

Man, Infiltration and GamerBee have been on a role this year, especially when you compare to the past 2 EVOs.
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You got your wish!

My god being 2012, I think the world is coming to and end! :p

Biggest surprise EVO this year was!

Move over Japan and U.S, Korea is in town.

Still got the Salty Suite maybe, and I'm wide awake!

Oh yes....

dont worry akuma wont win evo. inflitration is better anyway.
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lol I'm not too bad all things considered, I would love to comment on Hyv's poor Akuma prediction but I was no better getting on the Eita hype train only to have it be derailed. Was an amazing EVO, I thought AE was going to steal the show but how could it after what happened in KoF and Marvel. Hopefully I'll be there in person next year, me and a few friends are going to save up and go.
Yeah AE just blitzed by way too quickly.

There's been some great matches on the Salty Suite. Kazunoko vs Latif was one and as of my post now, Fuudo vs Latif.
i got everything right except akuma won ae and vergil didnt win umvc3. everything else is correct. marvel was surprisingly hype. flocker dropped a lightning loop and he lost because of that. surprised jwong choked against chris g and combofiend choked against f champ. wesker bodied as soon as chris busted him out and doom was the deciding factor in many matches.

f champ against chris g was the scrappiest lame match i have ever seen. inflit played out of his backside, i was cheering for him all the way. he have sentinel on his team which is like a character down already, but he made sentinel look so strong. cr.m is unblockable at every level:)
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Infrit played so good, bringing the MvC2 days back with that Sentinel my god! I feel he was a bit unlucky against FChamp in their deciding set, Combofiend was too.
You guys are all machines, I knocked off at around 2am :o although I wanted to watch the AE finals.

I just saw Infiltration vs Daigo:

you could have made it easier for yourself and sleep during the mk9 and kof finals which lasted for hours. as much as the yanks loves these games, i find them stupid and boring, especially mk9. i mean there is no footsies in mk, its all about fishing for random teleports, get in and go nuts since everything chips.

kof is just about jumping on someone's head until they die. there was one moment in the finals, when both character have no life and one of guys just cracked and ran up and jump. but he got the kill instead of getting punished:(, its very sad when stupid play like this is good in a game.
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