Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Wow, they are using the original sprites and one person is using O.Sagat. Does anyone know if they are playing with HDR or ST mode?

Edit: They are playing ST/Classic mode
SFxT 'overhaul' imminent:

Here are the patch notes:


Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.

H. Jōdan Sokutō Geri: Speed reduced, and changed to -6F on block.


Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.


LP: Recovery frames changed from 8->10F. Opponent block stun reduced from 10->6F. Push back distance when guarded increased.

c.LP: Hurt box size increased.


Kaisen Dankairaku: Damage reduced from 350->300.


Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: Hit box reduced, movement amount reduced, frame advantage on block reduced by 5F.


Move listed properly:j.forward f+LK → MK


LP: Opponent block stun reduced from 10->8F. Push back distance when guarded increased.

Number of possible cr.HP Wind Cross dash cancel loops has been reduced from 5 to 3.

Xiao Yu

Number of possible cr.HK Phoenix loops has been reduced from 6 to 3.

Follow up attack after Overhead->Hakkesho is now possible.

I was expecting changes to the game engine. Definitely selling the game, and curse you Yupyup for making me rebuy this :p
That's not the patch, that data is very old. Every character has some form of change made to them,... not that it will help the game at all.
Kree is right the big patch that's meant to improve the game is still in the works, I figured they would release it along with the new characters so I'm pretty disappointed. I still have this for PS3 and 360 because I was hoping they would've made some serious changes by now but I might look at trading it in somewhere, not that I'd get much for it at this point I suppose.
hey guys,

i bought ssf4 ae 2012 on pc during the steam sale.

i can play offline and online (ranked, endless publics matches, even sync into a public lobby with friends) but when i try to play a private game the game times out during "joining session" then tells me that i am unable to connect to the session.

i added some randomer who lives in england. later he invited me to a private session and we played about 10 games til i got bored, everything was fine.

with my two friends one of who is from england the other from europe i have always gotten the unable to join session message. they did say that i joined the lobby briefly then left.

i found a post on SRK about doing some funky jazz to ports and stuff but this didnt do anything i have since reverted them back to how it originally was.

any ideas? :(
If you are able to get private games with other people besides your two friends and this was without opening ports and such, then perhaps it is something on their end. So much random BS when it comes to connection settings.
ah i forgot to mention that my two friends can play with each other no problem.
could what you say still be the case though phatjayunoi?

thanks for a quick response at least!
yeah tried both :(
it doesn't seem to make any sense :S

this is the port forwarding i did -
* Port forwarding must be enabled on the TCP port 80.
* Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP and TCP port 3074.
* Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP port 88
* Port forwarding must be enabled on the UDP and TCP port 53
* Port forwarding must be enabled on the TCP port 443

but i dont think its relevant to me as i can play online just not privately, some conformation on this & the forward port are the correct ones would be helpful!
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It's definitely something between you three then. What it is I don't know specifically since it can be so random.

Yeah port forwarding can work for some people, or not, and in most cases I find it makes absolutely no difference at all.

Have you tried looking at DMZ settings? For yourself and perhaps even your friends.
Had something happen similar it was the other guys PC, windows firewall was blocking it. A firewall/router somewhere is blocking the connections (probably your mates PC is the one with the problem).
i dont know if anyone have tried sfxt post patch. they fixed some of the problems and nerfed the jab (less advantage and some can be crouched) and some of the very annoying character, namely raven (no more fireball cancel into teleport, less advantage on jabs, no more sweep loop), ryu (donkey kick, some combos, and air tatsu), ken (no more unblockable air tatsu). the time outs are still there and the new characters are actually quite interesting.
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