Streets of Rage II coming to XBLA

Same as all classic games, after a week you will get bored and realise that your age is playing tricks with you and it isn't as good as you remember it (mainly cos most people's expactations are that much higher these days).

(Sf2 is the exception cos it rules).

rp2000 said:
Same as all classic games, after a week you will get bored and realise that your age is playing tricks with you and it isn't as good as you remember it (mainly cos most people's expactations are that much higher these days).

(Sf2 is the exception cos it rules).


I agree, SOR I loved as I did Double Dragon. They dissapoint once you realise they have no depth. Cant really complain for 400 points though.

I think i find it more fun now to bag a classic console and buy the originals.

For me Track and field will be the exception ;)
rp2000 said:
Same as all classic games, after a week you will get bored and realise that your age is playing tricks with you and it isn't as good as you remember it (mainly cos most people's expactations are that much higher these days).

(Sf2 is the exception cos it rules).


Got to agree it... e.g Contra, I just lost interest in it after awhile... Bomberman Live! however, is in my exception list along with SF2 :)
rp2000 said:
Same as all classic games, after a week you will get bored and realise that your age is playing tricks with you and it isn't as good as you remember it (mainly cos most people's expactations are that much higher these days).

(Sf2 is the exception cos it rules).


Could not agree more and it's why i don't bother my backside with the majority of XBLA stuff....Older games rehashed are not the same anymore and there's no point kidding myself on they are.....Their gaming memories and should remain so.......Buying SF2 was the biggest mistake i made with my Points and i can see SWOS heading the same way.........Sad but true :(
Well I personally still love the classic games :D, Streets of Rage 2 will be great, as I played it a ton on my Megadrive, now all I need is more Sonic games on the XBLA and i'll be set for a long long time :D :p
All they need now is for Streets of Rage 3 to be added, 2 was good but 3 was so hard to get hold of that not many people realised how good it was.

Oh and a next gen version would be sweeeeet.
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