Stuck between which phone to get

20 Sep 2003
Ok I am in the market for a new phone, currently using a first gen iPhone so long overdue an upgrade. I was set on the X10 for the size of the screen but after reading reviews and watching some videos of the interface it seems very laggy. So it was on to the Desire and this does look like a great piece of kit but I dunno it just doesn’t look the part and I love the idea of the big screen. I only just started to look at the HD2 and this does look really nice, the only thing that puts me off is Windows OS and the fact its an older phone.

I am heading to look at the phones in the flesh tonight to have a play around but thought I would ask opinions between the Desire and HD2?

Cheers :)
The "older phone" bit is a red herring. The tech base is on the same level as the Desire.
Same processor, bigger screen than the Desire. The HD2 will NOT be getting the new Windows Phone 7 so will be stuck with the less modern Windows Mobile 6.5 (but there are lots of apps for it).

The Desire - Android is the up and coming phone tech. It is reasonable to think that it should get Android 2.2 when it comes out but HTC's record isn't the best (the Hero hasn't been updated in over a year). App support is in the middle of an explosion, it'll be a few months before we see if it reaches the kind of level where people will stop saying app store is better.
If you want giant screen, take a look at the Dell Streak (Also known as the Mini 5)

Has the hardware specs of the others (1GHz snapdragon etc etc), the Android OS, albeit poor-mans 1.6 currently, like the X10, but a giant 5" screen.

Released this summer/ early Q3 according to rumours. Vodafone is also rumoured to be the UK retailer for it.

Waiting will also give you time to check out the new iPhone

Can't wait? Desire
Desire. Used both, mum got a X10 and she swapped it out for a Desire.

IMO the Desire feels snappier, better built and the timescape stuff is not as good as Sense UI.
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