Student accounts...who to go for?

12 Jun 2004
Looking for a good student account...any opinions?

Natwest - 1250 overdraft rising to 2000 and a railcard. But i probably won't use it.

Halifax - Meant to have a fast transfer rate and a big overdraft.

And that's all i know. :)
I'm with lloyds. They're not too bad and theyre better than abbey from my experiences. Had my card details stolen and everything was sorted in a few hours :)

Overdraft is like £200 before uni, £1000 during first year and goes up to £2000 by the third year.

IMO all the banks are the same it's just the little gimmicky offers that you get when you sign up that make the difference :/
Natwest! All right over draft and the rail card is a nice bonus on the side. No problems so far...
I went with Halifax. The overdraft is nice for of I ever need it. There are other benefits bit they can't be that good for me as I can't recall what they are.
Be careful of overdraft fees. When I was a student I got hammered by them (I was with Bank of Scotland) because I went over my limit - it was my own fault, and I didn't get money very often... as a result I ended up hammered with overdraft fees. Look for an account that won't charge overdraft or return fees etc.
I went with Natwest mainly for the rail card, will be useful going between home and uni whenever I need to! Over draft is always good, although hopefully I won't have to use it.
Been very happy with my account and dealings with Lloyds. Nothing bad to say about them. IIRC you should get a free NUS Extra card worth a tenner with them :D
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