Student Loan

4 Mar 2006
You guys are smart, help me out here.

When I applied for my student loan, apparently I only qualified for a maximum of £2700 for my first year, however they've just sent me the final figure, and its £3305. Im not gona whinge, but is this something they're gona sting me for in subsequant years by saying they payed me too much?
no i reckon you'll just have to pay it all back! call them and ask if you're concerned. and i though it increased after your first year?

student loans depend on either your parents, your partners or your income - dependent on age / financial / marital status etc.
why did you think you'd get a max of £2,700?
to be honest, the way they calculate them, unless you're going for the fixed, non income assessed loan - it could come to anything
i don't have a student loan, so i'm not the best person to reply - but i know who is...
if you're worried the best thing to do will just be to call the student loans company to put your mind at rest
geeza said:
just wack it in a high interest savings account!

Its registered to be payed into my ISA ;)

@ Goldilocks, I might have been wrong calculating it but due to the amount my parents earn, it should only have come to £2700. Oh well, like i said, unless it comes back to haunt me, im not going to worry :)
I got a letter saying they will give me a grand total of £560 a year woo :p
Parental contribution nearly £3000
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for this coming year, at least, £3305 is the 75% that everyone is entitled to claim. its 75% of the maximum, and is not income based.
Socaddict said:
for this coming year, at least, £3305 is the 75% that everyone is entitled to claim. its 75% of the maximum, and is not income based.

Unless you're in final yeah :o i got stuck with a non-income assessed loan of about £900 a term...over a hundred quid less a term than last year... not quite sure on their calculations for that! Final year books and all that to buy...hmm

I had £990 in first term of first year, £990 in second term of first year and £1020 in my final term, guess the extra £30 was to get me through the summer ;)

max in my first year, max in my second year, max this year (and im on working placement!) i had a letter saying that i was only getting half for my final year. boo hoo i though, then i got a letter saying i will be getting full.
maybe they will give me £6000? :cool:
They have definitely screwed mine up. They are saying I can get around £4k this time! I got minimum last time. Household income is >100k!
50/50 said:
They have definitely screwed mine up. They are saying I can get around £4k this time! I got minimum last time. Household income is >100k!

lol. are well, technically your mum and/or dad will be paying for it anyway seems as though they will be a nice fat tax bracket getting royally stung for having decent jobs.

at least us students have to pay it back unlike dirty ass dole monkeys!
geeza said:
max in my first year, max in my second year, max this year (and im on working placement!) i had a letter saying that i was only getting half for my final year. boo hoo i though, then i got a letter saying i will be getting full.
maybe they will give me £6000? :cool:
I don't envy you at all. You'll be paying that all back.
What are the boundries for loans?
I have to fill in my form this week :(
I'm not sure if I want one. I'll only end up buying a powerbook :(

A5H said:
What are the boundries for loans?
I have to fill in my form this week :(
I'm not sure if I want one. I'll only end up buying a powerbook :(

It comes in installments so it's easier not to spend a silly amount at once *hides his £400 monitor*
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