Stunning new DX10 Tech Demo for STALKER: Clear Sky

Hmm...and maybe one day they'll decide to bolt a decent game on to these oh-so pretty graphics. I'd rather have a great story/characters over a moody lightening storm and rain splashes any day of the week. They can even make the floor look wet....WET!

Rain drops looked cool

I guess. But then having spent the money on the the spec in your sig you'd hope it would look half decent.:)
I know there's no pleasing some people, but wth?

"yeah, Crysis looked okay, but it wasn't *reeeaal*, so I think it's pap"

Its not about being pleased, I mean how many times have you seen a tech demo over the years that looked sweet for its time but never trancelated into a solid game? I liked Crysis they had a good dig at the map scaling shame they didn't pull it of. " You are leaving the mission area"! Flashpoint is the sort of thing im talking about, its as if with the more eye candy a game get now a day the smaller it get.
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