Such a thing as a 7 seater people carrier 1.4?

26 Mar 2010
Me and a couple of friends are planning a road trip across europe, we want to hire a 7 seater people carrier but apparently what I heard is my friend told me that we can't hire a car which is 1.6 if you are under 25.

Is there any truth in that and what would people do if they were in our situation. We have no person over 25 travelling with us.
I'm not exactly sure, at first it sounded odd, but now I kind of see the problem, tried a few sites and unless I set my age at 25 or more, no results popped up for hire cars:(.

What I'd do in that situation? Spend the money reserved for hiring the car, on buying the cheapest runnable banger 7 seater car I could find and use that rather than hire one.
A quick search shows up 400-500€ Pontiac transports or renaults espace with a bit of MOT here... Split the costs with all 7 people, it's only 70 each for the car, okay it might have been a tad more than hiring a car but with any luck you can sell it for pretty much the same price as you bought it.
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AFAIK in general you can not hire anything that is classed as a van or MPV if your under 25 regardless of engine size. Tho some rental companies have certain exceptions for those over 21 but you have to contact them directly to find out whats what.
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Not a definitive list but looks like several of those (so assuming other places too) will allow certain vehicles to under 25, over 21, usually for an extra fee. So basically don't expect to be able to book online, etc. but if you ask specifically they should have something available. (Same rules apply for MPVs as fans, etc.)
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