Sunday dinner

Meat and yorkshires, fail. Wheres the rest of it, veg and that?

I despair at people who buy frozen roasts, frozen roasties, yorkshires, parsnips, vegetables, meat even. It's disgusting.

I hate how common frozen roasts are as well, you see someone buy a half decent organic bit of meat, (granted it's supermarket meat so never going to be brilliant) and a couple of bags of aunt bessies, why? they're so easy to make and way nicer from fresh. Par boil, drain, shake about the fluf edges, roll in flour, hot goose fat, roll in goose fat, roast in oven. Epic crispy outers, fluffy inners.
Yeah frozen isnt as nice when you make it homemade like i do. :)

Mashed potato is nice too which i had btw.

About vegies, well i didnt have any, if i did i would have had some nice peas and carrots and cauliflower.
Ha-Ha loving the yorkshires. But your missing roast parsnip and roast butternut sqaush.. It's not a roast without them.

And this was mine
Hahaha thats a textbook man roast. yorkies, meat and tonnes of gravy!

note to self: never say "man roast" again
Yorkshire puddings are nice but roast potatoes are even better:p

I had Beef, half a dozen roasties, 2 yorkshire puds and a bit of cabbage. The last thing on my mind when it was served was taking a picture:)
Im just enjoying my new digi cam so like takin pics lol.

Yeah roast tates are yum. Probs do some next time i do a sunda dinner.
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