Sunday is Toblerone Day aka "Happy Father's Day"

3 Nov 2018
The other side of The Gap
Yup, here in the UK, on Sunday I fully expect to receive my 15th consecutive annual Toblerone on Father's Day.

It's not that I don't appreciate it but, I get the wife the kids get their mum perfume and flowers on Mothering Sunday but on Father's Day the wife kids always get me a Toblerone.

At least it's a big Toblerone :rolleyes:
I'm not a whisky hand TBH (Scotsman too) but I actually prefer a grain/blend if partaking. Singles are just a good vodka wasted in casks of crappy wines, sherry, ports etc. I'd much prefer a vodka LOL...I'm a disgrace to our race!
Guess what I got. It starts with a T and ends with an e.

One of the kids put a tenner in the card too. Naturally being a dad I did the dad thing and gave him the tenner back, the thought was there and that's what counts. No doubt the hints will be dropped tonight to share the Toblerone too. :D
As my wife once said to me "any man can be a father but, it takes someone good to be a dad."

Happy Toblerone day all you dads.
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