Supercar & Hypercar videos (tubi exhausts)

16 Jul 2004
Scuderia Systems

Randomly stumbled across this site which has plenty of incar & side-of-road footage of some fairly nice exotica.

The F50 gunning through the tunnel is breath-taking.
And the vid which has the yellow Gallardo stationary at the end with the rev's idling, Christ All Mighty! :cool:
Nice site, only found one nice car though, the 4200gt

Ferraris just dont sound nice to me, although I am sure the 'tubi' exhaust does make it sound a bit better.

Nozzer: thew f50 is an ugly waste of space, it looks like its been designed by a 6yr old, then made from lego and warmed in the oven for smoothness.
For me the F40 rules the roost, helped having the best overrun sound of the lot. My mates F40 has a Tubi - it's very, very rude :D
Tax Evader said:
For me the F40 rules the roost, helped having the best overrun sound of the lot. My mates F40 has a Tubi - it's very, very rude :D

Could it have been on Campbell Road, Stoke a couple of weeks ago?

I was trying to take pics of one that was behind me in my mirrors while I sat in my little Boxster recently. Just about got a shot as I turned right to head towards the M6 and he went left to go towards the A50.
Mike said:
Could it have been on Campbell Road, Stoke a couple of weeks ago?

I was trying to take pics of one that was behind me in my mirrors while I sat in my little Boxster recently. Just about got a shot as I turned right to head towards the M6 and he went left to go towards the A50.

Sorry, "Campbell Road" doesn't ring a bell (not sure where that is), but it probably was yeah :)
Road in Stoke that runs parralel to the A500, where the old Stoke City stadium was.

But nevermind, seeing as you're not too far away I thought it might be one and the same, seen an F50 knocking round here a few times and tons of other nice motors but that's the only F40 I've seen in the city.
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