Supreme Commander 2 - AI modder "Sorian" hired by Gas Powered Games

7 Mar 2005
Some good news for those of us eagerly awaiting Supreme Commander 2.

That's right, the Supreme Commander community's favourite AI modder is now a GPG employee :) although this is probably not news to those who frequent the official forums :p

According to his blog and forum posts, he's been assigned to work on patching Demigod as well as development of SC2.

See here:

and here:

The latest version of Sorian AI for Forged Alliance can be found here:

Release notes

Files Changed: 14
Files New: 0
Files Removed: 0

* AI will focus more on large builds.
* Raised T4 trigger threshold.
* Fixed code for keeping a CAP.
* Added function to check for inflated threat levels.
* AI will build more Energy Storage.
* When checking for assisting engineers, pods will no longer be counted.
* AI will use Air T4s more on 20x20 maps.
Conrgrats to him, hope it goes well tbh. He did some amazing things with his AI mods in FA, sadly it couldn't overcome the fact that the ai foundation was completely crap in the first place so he could only do so much.
He might be restricted now that he's been hired?

His official job title's "Associate Content Engineer".

sorian said:
1) I am not only doing AI stuff. A lot of my work on SC2 has been coding campaign AI, unit stuff, research system stuff, and lots of bug fixes.

2) I was able to navigate 600 units at once across a map running a non-optimized version. Not only that, but I ran a fatboy right through the center of them going the opposite direction. I'd say the performance is better than FA.

3) The things people have been crying that the sky is falling about are not issues at all. The economy makes sense. The game is much faster paced. The way half baked experimentals are implemented is not going to break the game. All in all I think SC2 is going to be a lot better than FA.

Sounds good so far :)
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