Supreme Commander Game Saves?

5 Mar 2007
I’d completed the first 5 missions (Supreme Commander)on Medium difficulty and then bought a new PC from OC(one of the main reasons was to play it at max detail), I stupidly forgot that the game saves are on the C Drive and have subsequently lost them, I know its only 5 levels but it took me ages to complete them and I don’t want to do them again. Could anyone PM me there save games or point me somewhere I can get them? I know its a long shot but worth a go! its with the first 'team' I'm at work and can't remember the name...


PS I've sold my old PC so File Scavenger etc is not an option.
PPS Sorry if I should have posted this in the official game thread
I think what would be better is someones Game.pref file. This would unlock them all and allow you start at any mission.

What faction were you playing as? I might be able to help you out.
Can’t remember the faction name, but I know it’s the first one of the three! Any help would be great cheers!
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