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Surely the 8800 320 Gts must be more of a beast ?

4 Dec 2006
I got one of the above cards, the OC edition. Now in dark messiah, i have put everything up to the max and I mean everything, and Ive installed fraps, and I only just relised that I get like under 15fps, Its got worse llike to to a certain part in the game and worse during battle, I thought surely this card can pack more a punch than that ? dark messiah isnt even like a latest release ?

Could there maybe be a problem ? drivers ? hardware ?

I took some reflections, and some aa off and I got about 40-50fps, ok it doesnt look any different, but I thought this card could deal with it.

I am gaming at 1280 x 1024 as well, thats so low.

Any idea's ?
I found that if you disable Vsync your game runs a lot better. There isnt much tearing in this game anyway as its kind of slow gameplay. Have you checked your settings in the nvidia control panel to make sure your card isnt set for dual monitor set up ?
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Try turning one of the settings from highest to the next down, with my old X800XTPE I knew I would be able to run that game on max but couldent and found that there is some sort of memory overload that happens on cards with lower than 512mb of memory I belive and thats why its so slow, I think you need to turn the texture settings from High to medium or very high to high.
Infact there must be loads of memory leaks in the games, I was on medium texture and low shadow and I just loaded it first time iwth this card and I get like 25fps..., obviously a bad game and oh what a surprise, who's it by? Ubisoft....

I hate Ubisoft :mad: , there Evil :mad:
I gues every game Ubisoft releases for PC are XBOX360 ports or badly coded and there patched dont fix anything :rolleyes:
willhub said:
Infact there must be loads of memory leaks in the games, I was on medium texture and low shadow and I just loaded it first time iwth this card and I get like 25fps..., obviously a bad game and oh what a surprise, who's it by? Ubisoft....

I hate Ubisoft :mad: , there Evil :mad:

No mate, I have the same card as you and I can jack up everything, and I mean EVERYTHING and still get around 80FPS. It must your CPU then
Uisoft releases some good games, see far cry, runs perfectly.

But yes might be the ammount of ram holding you back, 1.5 gb or more (2gb if u want dual channel) is a must these days for games.
Yeah Ubiport strike again, that Splincer Cell was atrocious, i even had corruption in the demo ffs, was looking forward to that game as well, but they ruined it, as they do all, apart from FarCry as said above, now that was a game. :)
i got a 320mb 8800 it ran fine all settings maxed 50-200fps even if the very high textures did say you need a 2gb + 512mb gfx card which is just a lie.

the game does have memory leaks or some other bugs though, a couple of times during playing the fps dropped to 15 and stuck there no matter what was on screen, simply quitting and restarting the game fixed this.
I got extreme lag with my X800, now with my 8800, I wonder why, Its weird because it runs on the source engine so it should run as smooth as CSS and HL2 :s, must be picky about system configuration.
When I played Dark Messiah round about when it came out there was HUGE problems with speed.

I belive those problems where suppose to be fixed in a patch, but since I finished the game I dunno if there was a patch or if it fixed the speed problem.

What I had to do was to make a HUGE swapfile think I made it as big as windows let me 4 or 8 GB is a figure that pops into my head...but with my bad memory not sure.

You could try and increase your Windows swap file and see what happens. Also I think it speed up all the between level loading problems I had.
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