
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
A quick update on the Anglia, I've been performing some surgery on the back of the car. This has been a pig of a job and I'm properly ****** off with the thing, covered in little burns and I'm sitting here slathered in Savlon to ease the pain.

So I started on the rear passenger side which was the worse of the two, basically the metal was like tin foil and just came away with the wire wheel on the grinder. The filler was as thick as my thumb and took about an hour to get it all off. Underneath it was clear the car was rear ended quite a long time ago and repaired well but heavily filled and it's just rotted through the metal over the years. So this is what I cut out...


...leaving me with this big hole to fill!


However all is not bad because I have some shiny stuff to weld to for once. There was literally nothing to work with so I had to make it up as I went along, but I made up a couple of little sections for the ends and then was going to follow the curve round by the shape of the bodywork above. So these are the end bits:


As you can see one has a curve and the other has a fold, so the bit in the middle has to blend from one to another with a slight curve along its length. Gah!

More to follow in a minute...
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I wasn't too concerned how pretty this looks because it is all covered but a thin panel on top, a pathetic attempt from Ford which really should have been the back of the car but instead is a thin pre-rusted piece of junk that just rots the car from the back forward and it's rivetted on from what I can work out. However, because I have it off the car I can paint and wax the back which will stop that happening and it also has the added bonus of hiding my duff handywork.


I should have really taken more photos as I went but I was getting in a right grump under the car, covered in crap, covered in little burns and unable to see what I was doing. So this is the result of a whole day's work:



It actually doesn't look that bad now I look back on it and once it's filled and painted it will be hidden forever. The back panel doesn't fit particularly well as I could have pulled the bumper mount out a bit further but I'll deal with that with a hammer if I have to...
Spanker said:
Looks very good indeed, going to lead load it?
HELL NO!!! Just a skim of filler should sort it out actually. At the back I won't bother, I'll just stone-chip it which leaves it with a textured finish and red over the top. Same for that back panel, it's far from straight and it's a very low panel so it's almost out of view when you're standing up :cool:
Spanker said:
Stonechip for the win! Covers a multitude of sins ;) Applying it from in aerosol form or via Schutz gun?
I had no idea how it's applied so I guess I'll do it with the shutz gun since I've got one! The shutz is waiting patiently in it's tins and I've got a dealership sized tin of underseal that I guess won't get used now. I might actually do the flitch panels in stonechip and red, they are black at the mo and I was going to schutz them for ultimate low maintenance. We'll see.
Cool, so far I have the flitch panels in satin black anti-rust brushed on and I was going to bury it in schutz to hide the welds an imperfections. I reckon a couple of rough coats of stonechip from the schutz gun should give enough texture to bury the welds etc, then gloss 2-pack over the top for a bit of colour.


See at the mo you can see all my repairs and under the flipfront it will all be on view, so with a bit of "masking" with the stonechip it should look a bit more pleasant and make the back edge of the flipfront look a bit more deliberate.
Lol, I didn't post the pics of the wheelarch repairs yet. It was such a bitch of a job I need to bury my poor efforts in P38 before I unleash my efforts on the world :D Lets put it this way, they won't be rotting back through for some time yet!

Dude if you fancy a trip down south for some beers one weekend I'll weld up those arches for you.
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