Take for example The Walking Dead, I'm all good with the whole Zombie scenario and that one random bloke in a coma can be left unmolested while it would appear that the entire hospital he was in was subject to an all out zombie deathmatch but I get slightly narked when it takes two coppers to layout a stinger and said stinger then manages to flip the back end of a car up causing a massive accident yet manages to do nothing to the following police persuit vehicles, it's not a hard thing for them to have gotten right and anybody who's spent thirty minutes watching any of the Cop shows knows it's wrong so why on earth do shows get so lazy about stuff like that?
Just seems that the closer to reality things are means the less I am able to accept them diverging from that reality unless it's for a specific purpose.
Am I alone or do others feel the same way?
Just seems that the closer to reality things are means the less I am able to accept them diverging from that reality unless it's for a specific purpose.
Am I alone or do others feel the same way?