
9 May 2007
whats the big deal with this os on a mobile anywayz? my mate said U HAVE TO GET IT ON symbian WINDOWS MOBILE SUCKS! .... when i askd him whats the differnce he couldnt tell me lol. any one knows why symbian is better?

also while im here any cool apps to install on my new i8510? can i get apps that like apple ones? like the restruant thing where u shake the phone and shows all the restruants, or just anything fun :D
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Windows Mobile, slow, buggy with a terrible GUI where a stylus is required at some points. Ive had my fingers burnt with WiMo, not making that mistake again. Whilst Symbian is by no means perfect its a far more user friendly OS.
Win Mo is in desperate need for an update. Its terrible to look at, buggy, slow and not finger friendly at all add the fact that to run it at any kind speed you need some serious mobile hardware.

WinMo 6.5 is about to be released but its still not the leap it should be. You also have to rely on Active Sync for it to communicate with your PC which can be a right pain in the ass if you start getting into things like using your phone as a Bluetooth Modem.

I've had an XDA Mini S, HTC Tytn & Tytn 2 and HTC Diamond & Omnia so I know WinMo pretty well and used to like it, but now I have an E71 (Symbian) and everything just feels so much snappier and user friendly.

Thats my 2 pence anyway :D
I've used both extensively and prefer Symbian UIQ the most, as the nokia versions until recently lacked touch screen interface.
You also have to rely on Active Sync for it to communicate with your PC which can be a right pain in the ass if you start getting into things like using your phone as a Bluetooth Modem.

Erm, no.

I don't have activesync at all, and sync my contacts, calendar, use my phone as a bluetooth modem, transfer files, etc etc etc
For me, I use a bluetooth PAN connection as the modem tethering, and for transferring files. As for sync, its synced to my exchange server (syncing email by push, contacts, calendar, tasks), over wifi, hsdpa or any other internet connection :)
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