Poll: Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

Would you support a military strike on Syria without a UN Security Council resolution?

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Some of the Royal Prerogative powers (including Defense) are delegated by the Prime Minister so he can unilaterally declare war. Parliament has no say in it, he willingly consulted them on this issue.

In principle only....Tony Blair set a constitutional precedent which Cameron is constitutionally bound by in practice.
How come the UN does nothing about Israel's use of chemical weapons? The UN are useless they've never done anything to stop the crimes committed by NATO
I read what you are typing, and understand the question, what logic is there in a Libyan style attacks, we don't have air supremacy over Syria. So we can't 'fight' the same basis of regime change.
I truly wonder would it be possible to sacrifice an assault team so execute the head of their military, the president, and lead proper regime change. It would be a more accurate strike than firing cruises into the country at standalone tanks or missile subsystems.

I doubt any government would have the nerve to attempt that one. I actually ponder could such an assault occur, would it be feasible through a special forces team or some type of embedded black ops?
Could some of the military types comment?
Have we a system or team available that could be deployed if we wished to execute Assad directly?

After about a week of air strikes against Syria's air defence capabilities the US & French would have air supremacy over Syria and I imagine this would be a priority if any such action takes place.

A "decapitation attack" against Assad or his senior aides as you're suggesting is a possibility however as we saw in Iraq, western intelligence agencies have great difficulty in pinpointing the location of such people - there were a handful of failed decap attacks against Saddam prior to him being captured. There were all cruise missile or fighter launched missile attacks though. Al-Assad will be considerably better guarded than Osama bin Laden was so I don't see a Zero-Dark-Thirty style operation being feasible here.
How come the UN does nothing about Israel's use of chemical weapons? The UN are useless they've never done anything to stop the crimes committed by NATO

UN has agreed to sanction Israel over 38 times, each of those times the United States of America cast veto. Exactly same thing the Russians and Chinese are exercising...
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UN has agreed to sanction Israel over 38 times, each of those times the United States of America cast veto. Exactly same thing the Russians and Chinese are exercising...

yeah that civil war in Israel where theyve just used chemical weapons with 100,00 dead is terrible :rolleyes:
yeah that civil war in Israel where theyve just used chemical weapons with 100,00 dead is terrible :rolleyes:

Yeah, a civil war in which about 80% of population supports the current regime and chemical weapons use is heavily disputed, western intelligence doesn't even know for sure, British report said "Highly likely" but the report was mostly based on youtube videos... For hell UN hasnt even released a report whether it was chemical weapons

Have a look at "Our news is faked" thread and make up your mind.

Israel on other hand, is pounding civilian population in gaza and Palestine with no right, they even now started segregation... muslims and jews sit on 2 different side of the bus and thats Israel initiative.... They build settlements on disputed land and forbid non-israel nationals to live in them only to work for slave like fee.

More-over Israel possesses nuclear weapons which it was forbidden to have developed and apparently their stockpile is no less than ours in UK. On top of that we have chemicals used on palestine population which there is solid evidence and Israel doesnt even deny it.

So clearly we have Israel a state which bullies and discriminates the muslim minority in no much better way the Nazis did to Jews (in the beginning when Hitler came to power, not the 40`s)

Israel has violated countless international laws and was subject to sanctions, however USA vetos every single one of them.

And we have Syria, which is in a civil war with 80% population supporting bashar al assad democratically elected president of the state and freedom fighters made out of fricking al-queeda radicals.

Clearly we should get involved in Syria internal affairs and tell the 80% screw you, we want a radicalist al-queeda in power.

And let Israel bully its neighbours and continue heavy discrimination which is almost Nazi like.

Fricking Epic Post Devilish, I said it earlier your naivety is beyond me you should go to kindergarten...
Don't be pedantic, you know its the same thing, a superpower using its veto to let an ally in which it has a vested interest get away with running amok.

No, it really isnt and the fact you think theres a similiarity between WP designed for smoke clouds and Sarin (or some other chemical weapon) designed to kill large amounts of people really shows where youre coming from - and its way out there.
And let Israel bully its neighbours and continue heavy discrimination which is almost Nazi like.

Fricking Epic Post Devilish, I said it earlier your naivety is beyond me you should go to kindergarten...

Yawn, how come you nutjobs always try and bring everything around to Israel (or more accurately the worldwide jewish conspiracy)? And in case you didnt notice, everyone was laughing at you in that 'news is faked' thread because, well, youre just laughable. Oh and Godwins Law. Have a crazy weekend! :D
And in case you didnt notice, everyone was laughing at you in that 'news is faked' thread because, well, youre just laughable. Oh and Godwins Law. Have a crazy weekend! :D

Can you please provide the evidence :D:D

I mean if by everyone you mean your 3 imaginary friends, I have no problem with that for sure...

Its ok Devilish, its OK.
Yawn, how come you nutjobs always try and bring everything around to Israel (or more accurately the worldwide jewish conspiracy)? And in case you didnt notice, everyone was laughing at you in that 'news is faked' thread because, well, youre just laughable. Oh and Godwins Law. Have a crazy weekend! :D

Always with the personal attacks, straw men and taking the discussion to the absurd, indicates a certain lack of substance to your position, Godwin's law for instance seems to me some kind of pathetic attempt to say fascism doesn't exist, news for you it does and doesn't wear 1930's fashion anymore.

You seem hungry for the deaths caused by between 300 and a thousand cruise missiles hitting Syria, that's thousands of dead maimed and homeless civilians who have no choice in the matter.

The whole affair is a cowardly attempt to diminish Syria's 2nd strike ie deffensive ability in a craven attempt to Balkanize the middle east into hundreds of weak weapons buying mutually antagonistic fiefdoms under the control of the Saud's and oil companies.
The PM could use the Royal Prerogrative.


'It may be posited that in exercising this particular prerogative the prime minister enjoys what ancient kings once enjoyed: the use of almost absolute power in the application of a discretion'

Seems to fit the bill.

I dare cameron to exercise it.

Devilish just a question, are you a jew? or Israeli-national? It seems any Israel accusations come off like water of ducks backs in your arguments.
This is not the case in Britain, The Prime Minister has no executive powers in this way.

I genuinely wonder whether you investigated this issue and failed to understand it, or didn't investigate it and are just bluffing? Because either way, you're coming off as being utterly ignorant of British politics. The PM has the power to begin military action without a Commons vote.

The parallel between the anti-interventionist posters and ignorance of British politics displayed in this thread is quite telling.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel fighting to unseat Assad, who lives in Ghouta.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

Ghouta townspeople said the rebels were using mosques and private houses to sleep while storing their weapons in tunnels.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and the others died during the chemical weapons attack. That same day, the militant group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is linked to al-Qaida, announced that it would similarly attack civilians in the Assad regime’s heartland of Latakia on Syria’s western coast, in purported retaliation.

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K.’ “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she warned. She, like other Syrians, do not want to use their full names for fear of retribution.

A well-known rebel leader in Ghouta named ‘J’ agreed. “Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground. They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material,” he said.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” ‘J’ said.

Doctors who treated the chemical weapons attack victims cautioned interviewers to be careful about asking questions regarding who, exactly, was responsible for the deadly assault.

The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders added that health workers aiding 3,600 patients also reported experiencing similar symptoms, including frothing at the mouth, respiratory distress, convulsions and blurry vision. The group has not been able to independently verify the information.

More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government.


The source:

Dale Gavlak is a Middle East correspondent for Mint Press News and the Associated Press. Gavlak has been stationed in Amman, Jordan for the Associated Press for over two decades. An expert in Middle Eastern Affairs, Gavlak currently covers the Levant region of the Middle East for AP, National Public Radio and Mint Press News, writing on topics including politics, social issues and economic trends. Dale holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago. Contact Dale at [email protected]

Yahya Ababneh is a Jordanian freelance journalist and is currently working on a master’s degree in journalism, He has covered events in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Libya. His stories have appeared on Amman Net, Saraya News, Gerasa News and elsewhere.
How come the UN does nothing about Israel's use of chemical weapons? The UN are useless they've never done anything to stop the crimes committed by NATO

When will people recognise the UN is made up of Russia, China and America.
Each have their client states so e.g. Britain is America's bitch as you youngsters would say.
As the last British Ambassador to the US said when he was retiring 'Britain is in America's pocket economically and militarily'
This show of independence has more to do with a Cameron and Hague **** up.
As to your point about Israel, it has almost cart blanche to do what it wants guaranteed by America. The US might, for public consumption, criticise them but their actions towards Israel remain the same.
The Royal Prerogative is not defunct. The PM can infact go to war without consulting Parliament.

Derp derp.

So you're suggesting that with, what is essentially, a Parliamentary veto on action in Syria Cameron would exercise that power to go to war now? By putting the issue to a Parliamentary vote, the Royal Prerogative has become defunct, not least because there is a 2015 election looming ever closer.
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