Mark Bridger, or whoever kills a child in this country, and their is a total man hunt for him, and everyone wants justice.
426 children killed by a Syrian government, and no one really gives a crap - are we that racist that because they i.e. The Syrian people as whole are not as important, let alone 426 children who have been massacred?
Something should have been done regardless of chemical weapons used, or not. What difference does it make, if a machine gun, pistol, or a cannon fire from a gunship mows people to pieces?
Lazder said:
Well, do you think the "rebels" who are partly made of extremist such al-queeda have not killed children? Some say that the rebels staged the "gas attacks" videos by gassing children and then filming them.
You see its not as simple as black and white, why should we bomb assads army which by many means is far more civillian friendly than the rebels who have been accused and proved of scalping victims.