Do you realise that ultimately if Syrian rebels had no support from western countries the civil war would be over long time ago, the children would not have needed to die...
Do you realise that if bomb assad and cripple his army, the war will go on for longer, aka the more children will continue to die.
Do you realise that if we help the "rebels" win, extremist government will be installed and over years many more children/women will suffer due to it... Look at Libya now, a country which was well developed is now into stone age where different clans fight for streets, how many children have died as result of that?
Ask a Libyan whether all this was worth the "democracy" which they actually havent got... They had dictatorship that still more or less provided them with decent life, they were promised Democracy with good life... They got total anarchy.
Is that what you want the "children" of Syria to see??