Tablet for Movies Etc while Travelling

26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
Hey guys

Ive been looking at tablets all night. I guess the obvious answer to every question regarding tablets is Galaxy Tab 10.1, but I want to cultivate multiple, possibly cheaper, options.

I currently use a netbook for this. I love it, but the battery life is pretty short at around 4 hours when watching movies. I wont get rid of the netbook though, being able to charge things from it in an emergency and having an actual keyboard is, at times, the greatest thing ever.

So I guess im looking at two things. Screen quality, the ability to put my own movies on (not bought from some crappy online store) and battery life.

Is there anything other than the Galaxy Tab? I'd like a pure Android OS rather than some corporate Android shell, but beggars/choosers etc.
Ive got the Galaxy tab 10.1 and use it for watching movies on the train and eurostar.

Battery life: Never had to charge it during the day, battery life is actually really good and not seen it go past 50% after a fulls days use (couple movies/games/e-mail/web browsing).

Screen: Has a bit of glare on the screen and picks up finger prints like nobodies business, but then a colleague with an ipad2 said the same thing, must be something to do with all tabs? (correct me if im wrong someone).

Files: Its as simple as plugging a USB into your computer, shows up as a device and just drag and drop.

Im quite happy with my tab :) though the gf wasnt as lucky and had to send hers in for repair :( (but due to a muckup at the repair centre shes getting a brand new one) :)
All honeycomb tablets look alike to be honest although they have varying specs and all connect via MMI over USB so it shows up as a "device" and you just drag and drop onto it. There's a few in t pipeline it's worth noting and you could wait until the second generation if you want Android at the cutting edge.
The Tab 10.1 is my favourite Android tablet, but as you like the keyboard, why not look at the ASUS Transformer + dock (you get a keyboard and excellent battery life).

I assume you've ruled out the iPad as you wouldn't be buying the movies and you can't be bothered converting downloaded ones?
Im just a fan of Android, plus it would make handling my calendars and contacts (Android phone) much easier. I already convert movies for my iPod Touch (1st gen, such a hardy little thing).

I'm not anti apple insomuch as whilst i despise the prices they charge for most hardware, the tablets seem reasonable. Id still like a cheaper one if i could get it though.
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