Taking orders / credit card details ??

6 Nov 2005
I'm looking at setting up a webpage for my aunt (for a small sum :)) selling old teddy bears.

The website is no problem to me - I've done several for friends and parents - but this presents a new problem. Obviously, this could be done via bank transfer - as this isn't a big site, customers may not be expecting to purchase online. However, out of interest, how easy is it to set up an online purchasing system? Could I do this, or would it be more sensible to set up a company to handle this?

I thought if anyone could answer this, this forum could be the place :p. Any help really appreciated.
Thanks for the replies. I think the paypal is probably the best solution for her - and that should be pretty easy to set up :D.

I'll take a look at the others as well - no point having more than one tbh though, as many customers will be quite happy with bank transfer anyway. Do you have to pay to get a PayPal business license?
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