Tattoo people - artist advice

17 Oct 2002
Ok so I want a tattoo and i know what i want...problem is, im not an artist and have no way of getting it on paper myself. Does anyone know if its possible to find artists online who can draw something up from your ideas?

I wanna get it down on paper as ill be going to japan in march and plan to get it done there. Id rather have it on paper so I can make any changes i might want before actually getting it done in the tattoo shop..

Anyone got any advice? I dunno if i should try and find a normal artist, or a tattoo artist specifically.
You will find that most Tattooists are damned good artists too.
So if you take your idea to the tattoist you can usually sort out a unique design with them.

All of my tattoo's took months of design (with the tattooist) before we agreed on the final.
manor said:
You will find that most Tattooists are damned good artists too.
So if you take your idea to the tattoist you can usually sort out a unique design with them.

All of my tattoo's took months of design (with the tattooist) before we agreed on the final.

Yeah the problem is, im not gonna have long with the tattooist..I wont be in japan for long..I want a rough idea on paper so i can show him and we can make any changes at the time...If i do it at the shop then it will be rushed..a tattoo is a big thing to me and i dont wanna mess it up.
Any good tattoo artist should be able to help get your idea onto paper mate and probably with better results than a normal artist due to them knowing the constraints of tattoo's etc. Or you could try giving the idea to some creative people, get some sort of idea then consult the tattoo artist to see what he thinks :)

What kind of thing were you going for? I wouldnt mind giving it a go...
Most tattoo artists prefer to do their own drawings. they'll make it for you as you describe what you want, just as you're seeking to do with an intermediary. Is the reason you want it this way the language barrier in Japan?
More to the point - why are you willing to rush having your tattoo, which will be with you for life?
Why not wait and go local so you are not rushed and the work can be done in sessions?
BillytheImpaler said:
Most tattoo artists prefer to do their own drawings. they'll make it for you as you describe what you want, just as you're seeking to do with an intermediary. Is the reason you want it this way the language barrier in Japan?

No its just time restraints mainly...I dont know how long ill be there and ill be very busy while im there..The language thing isnt an issue...

I would go to a tattoo place here in korea but I wouldnt get the tattoo done here due to hygiene issues :o and i dont imagine an artist would draw me up something only to have me go somewhere else to have it inked up..
manor said:
More to the point - why are you willing to rush having your tattoo, which will be with you for life?
Why not wait and go local so you are not rushed and the work can be done in sessions?

Um...I think you misread something mate...I dont want to rush it, thats why I want to have it on paper first.

I cant go local because I like in korea...Tattoos are totally taboo over here, only gangsters have them...that means its all underground and as such, its dirty as hell.
Nimzicki said:
Any good tattoo artist should be able to help get your idea onto paper mate and probably with better results than a normal artist due to them knowing the constraints of tattoo's etc. Or you could try giving the idea to some creative people, get some sort of idea then consult the tattoo artist to see what he thinks :)

What kind of thing were you going for? I wouldnt mind giving it a go...

Got an email addy mate?
Balddog said:
Um...I think you misread something mate...I dont want to rush it, thats why I want to have it on paper first.

I cant go local because I like in korea...Tattoos are totally taboo over here, only gangsters have them...that means its all underground and as such, its dirty as hell.

I thought the Japanese didn't like Tatts as well? What are you going to be doing there, working?
Balddog said:
Um...I think you misread something mate...I dont want to rush it, thats why I want to have it on paper first.

I cant go local because I like in korea...Tattoos are totally taboo over here, only gangsters have them...that means its all underground and as such, its dirty as hell.

Nah buddy I didn't misread. :)
What I meant was: The actual tattoo depending on its size and bodily location could possibly take more than one session.
So if you only had time for one session you might be left with a half finished tattoo or the tattooist may want you to book each session in advance.

For example:
My Full Back piece took over eight sessions at 1 hour (ish) per session.
My upper right arm took over 6 sessions at 1 hour (ish) per session.

These were both done by the same tattooist.
noob said:
I thought the Japanese didn't like Tatts as well? What are you going to be doing there, working?

Nah its much more common in japan...

In korea its like ive NEVER seen a tattoo parlour nor a native korean with a tattoo...Except for the marines, they all get the same kinda tattoo while in the military...Only tattoos ive seen here are army dudes, gangster dudes and overseas koreans.

My housemate is japanese, im gonna go stay at her place for a bit..things will be a bit hectic while im there tho..
Balddog, see if you can get into contact with a japanese tattooist by email and correspond for a while before you go, no doubt he can send you some proofs and whatnot over t'internet. Then when you arrive, go see him, and get inked :)
manor said:
Nah buddy I didn't misread. :)
What I meant was: The actual tattoo depending on its size and bodily location could possibly take more than one session.
So if you only had time for one session you might be left with a half finished tattoo or the tattooist may want you to book each session in advance.

For example:
My Full Back piece took over eight sessions at 1 hour (ish) per session.
My upper right arm took over 6 sessions at 1 hour (ish) per session.

These were both done by the same tattooist.

Ah right....Well the time restraint is more for my piece of mind...Like ive gotta be sure i want that exact design on me..I wanna have some time between seeing it and having it done...if that makes sense :o

The actual time doing the tattoo wont be a problem, i can make it to the tattoo place often enough...

Do you have pics of your tattoos mate? specially the arm one...Mines gonna go upper left arm and shoulder.
Mohinder said:
Balddog, see if you can get into contact with a japanese tattooist by email and correspond for a while before you go, no doubt he can send you some proofs and whatnot over t'internet. Then when you arrive, go see him, and get inked :)

Good plan...

Ive had my friend find out about decent tattoo places and artists in her city...Ill try and get an email addy...
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