taxis to work

30 Aug 2004
Ive started getting a taxi to work because im doing some temp work at some different offices, its costing me just over £10 a day and they said to keep the receipts.

How will I get paid the money because I cant see them giving me cash in hand and money I get on my pay slip will be taxed.

Does this mean mr tax man will be taking his share of my hard earned money that I get out the way to pay for my own taxi to work? Or will it come up un taxed as travel costs or something?
You're best off asking your employer this question.

The way it works at my place is you fill in an expenses form and you get cash in hand from petty cash.
I'd imagine it will probably show as an un-taxed expense (such as when I took a train to another Office). But don't quote me.

Incidentally I've been thinking about getting a taxi from the station to work, because it takes about 28mins to walk and the train gets in 23mins before I'm due to start work :) I.e. I'm always 5mins late. Problem is there's no way my employer would agree to that expense, they'd just say I should get an earlier train :)
As stated above it will probably vary from place to place so you need to check the exact procedure with your employer. Our place you have to fill in complicated web forms and send hard copy things off (original reciepts) ... its lots of hassle but once payroll have it then it tends to be processed quite quickly. We have them paid directly into the account you are paid into. They also don't like you to save to many up as too much on one claim means it has to be signed off higher up the management chain ...

Expenses here are paid as seperate transactions to your normal pay and you are not taxed on them.
Expenses will generally be taxed but they will be deductible because the workplace is temporary. So in effect you won't be any worse off. Normal commuting costs (i.e. to permanent workplace) would not be deductible and you would be taxed on the expenses.
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