Tea Accounts - Online learning resources

12 Jun 2005
GF is current studying at uni (accounting). She's looked at quite a few questions and answers but doesn't understand where they are getting the numbers from (shes tried working back from the answers). I think she knows the idea about how they work though.

...so are there any online learning resources that anyone knows about which is good and easy to work through or does anyone have any tips with them.

Try searching for T rather than Tea. They're called T because they look like the letter, not named after your favourite breakfast drink!

Google throws up loads of hits - there must be some that are useful...

However, if you're struggling with where the numbers are coming from, then I wouldn't think this has anything to do with the T account. More likely prepayments, accruals etc that aren't understood - but without a little more info or a question she's stuck on, I can't be sure!
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