Teen Transexual on C4

21 Oct 2005
Did anyone watch this? Just plain wrong IMO. Even allowing an 18 year old undergo that surgery is pretty disturbing.

What did you make of it?
Weird, especially the inflatable breasts. Also makes me wonder what I might be looking at on the internet.
One of my old schoolmates became a "lady" and tried getting in touch with me through FriendsReunited.

I couldn't handle the thought of him being a bird, especially as he was always one of the lads..*Shudder* ..So ignored him/her/it :eek:

Cue the "hit it" posts... :rolleyes:
I enjoyed the detailed graphical images of the testicles being cut off accompanied by a surgeon's description of what happens...
Slogan said:
I enjoyed the detailed graphical images of the testicles being cut off accompanied by a surgeon's description of what happens...

I didn't as at that very same second, i was eating in front of my tv. I had to look away and think about something else.

It was on BBC3 and i thought it was funny when she said that the guy she went out with was "very narrowminded" because he was uncomfortable with her/him having a penis and him kissing another XY holder.
Gaygle said:
It was on BBC3 and i thought it was funny when she said that the guy she went out with was "very narrowminded" because he was uncomfortable with her/him having a penis and him kissing another XY holder.

That was quite funny. He thought a boy was a girl and wasn't pleased to find out she wasn't. Narrowminded ****.

Either way, 'it' made one ugly looking woman. She wouldn't easily confuse like some of those Bangkok lady boys...
Jambo said:
It's on again at 00.30. BBC3. Might watch it.

just been watching it now, and i was pretty disgusted in a way that he takes £6.5k of the tax payers money to get the sex change... it should come out of his own funds.
The thing that concerned me is how emotionally and mentally unstable she was. In no way would she have secured two doctors say so if it wasn't to do with ££££.

For exmaple with the whole "I don't want a breast op if I can only have an A cup..."... reminds me of Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate factory: "I want it now!".
FunkyT said:
I don't remember them mentioning it was tax payer's money :eek:
Afaik, he/she/it paid for the breasts theirselves (~£6k) as she "couldn't wait" (see my previous post), but the £16k is needed for 2 x ops (willy off, pipe in place, vagina made from skin and clitoris made from penis bits) but tax papers will foot the bill if she's prepared to wait 9 months or so....
I suppose I'd advocate waiting till the person in question was 21 or older. Puberty does naturally raise a few gender identity issues. But you have to ask.. if a person is so sure they want to be the opposite sex, are they wrong? Seems like such a person is already pretty sure of their alignment. I'd leave them to it to be honest.
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