Telewest, No Internet Again?

31 Aug 2004
I woke up this morning to no interent and thought it must be Telewest screwing about again but a phonecall and a lot of rebooting it turns out they wern't.

I then discovered the internet on the PC downstairs was working which is how I'm typing this up.

I'm completly stumped as what to do next as I left my PC on all night and haven't touched anything scince early this morning.

My cable modem is connected to my Linksys WRT54G which is wired to my PC and the downstairs PC has a wireless network card in it.
Are you absolutely sure they aren't having issues in your area?
I can't seem to find the serrvice status page but I'm triple sure there is one.


EDIT - Clicky
erm hang on, if it's working on one pc then the problem isn't with telewest. Are both computers able to talk to each other? It's possible that the downstairs pc is using another wireless network of course...
All the modem lights are on and the activity light is flashing.

The downstairs PC is connected to my network but the Lynksis monitor in the notification area says it's disabled. I've just noticed now that I can acess files on my PC upstairs from downststairs either.
i happen to be awake during the small hours and noticed my modem restarting too. it happened about 3-4 times i think. Checking my modem logs, i think they were sending an update to their modems and because they use several brands, they needed to patch several files. I'm guessing each time it they do that it resets your modem
hsp70 said:
i happen to be awake during the small hours and noticed my modem restarting too. it happened about 3-4 times i think. Checking my modem logs, i think they were sending an update to their modems and because they use several brands, they needed to patch several files. I'm guessing each time it they do that it resets your modem

When I used to be up at that time I also used to notice the connection going down evry so often and man did it get on my nerves. :(

Edit: I've just connected the cable modem straight to my PC but still nothing so I'm assuming it has something to do with that PC in patrticular although I'm not sure what could have happened to it overnight.
tolien said:
Connected directly or no, is it even getting an IP?
Output from ipconfig /all might be useful.

Nope not getting anything. It appears to open then just closes.

Running up and down the stairs gets tiring pretty quick. :(
So would I be right in saying your router is the problem?
Tried a firmware update?

Kev-Bev-Bev-Kev said:
what do you mean it closes?

are you using CMD in run then typing "ipconfig /all" ?

Yes. The DOS promt window thing shows itself for a second then just closes.
mc_bob said:
So would I be right in saying your router is the problem?
Tried a firmware update?


I don't think it is as even when I've connected the cable modem straight to the PC it still doesn't work.
Mundu said:
Yes. The DOS promt window thing shows itself for a second then just closes.

so you cant even get a DOS prompt up?? strange sounds like windows is having fun! :rolleyes:

dont want to be the one to say it but a format may do the trick if windows is borked! but theres more troubleshooting to be done first. Most of it would have been done on the command prompt though :(
Mundu said:
Yes. The DOS promt window thing shows itself for a second then just closes.

Are you sure you're not just entering 'ipconfig /all' into the run box? If you are you need to enter cmd first, then ipconfig /all into the black window that appears.
Kev-Bev-Bev-Kev said:
so you cant even get a DOS prompt up?? strange sounds like windows is having fun! :rolleyes:

dont want to be the one to say it but a format may do the trick if windows is borked! but theres more troubleshooting to be done first. Most of it would have been done on the command prompt though :(

I can get a DOS promt up but when I type the ipconfig /all in to run a window poped up then closes.

I just tried ipconfig in the command promt window and get this when connected through the router and directly.

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