Telewest TVDrive release date?

22 Jan 2006
Gloucester, England
Ran telewest Recently regarding the release of TVdrive. The reply was a bit cryptic, but it SOUNDED LIKE telewest customers should be recieving some documentation in the next couple of weeks and will be starting installations a few weeks after that...

Has anyone on this forum got the new HD system on trial yet? I would be very interested in your thoughts/ comments

Telewest are crap, we've been waiting for the TVdrive for years. It's probably going to be another feature which is 'coming soon'... then remains 'coming soon' for several years (eg. 7+ day tv guide)

This site is quite good for unofficial TW info,
Telewest are crap, we've been waiting for the TVdrive for years

Lol thats a bit harsh!. i admit, TW have had there problems, but my personal experience has been a good one. If they Do release a High Def PVR with 3 tuners though and if (and its a big if right now) it works properly then fair play to them. Like I said, I have had no probs with Phone, TV or broadband internet since the start. And tbo I never knew about tv drive until I bought a High Def TV and went searching for High Def products from Telewest. With high def TVs now only becoming more affordable, would it have made any sense to launch TVdrive any earlier anyhow?

I know the PVR part of it would still have been of interest but im not that bothered...(I dont even have a VCR) Its the VOD for HD content and maybe the World Cup IN HD im interested in...
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Telewest TVDRIVE boxes are sitting in distribution centers across the uk and will be rolled out beggining of february..straight from one of the top engineers that lives in my street ;)
From what ive heard when the TVDRIVE comes out they wont be using it for High deff, the idea is to launch it promoting the three tuner capabilaties of the box and even though the box is HD-ready they wont be using it as a HD box right away, it sounds like a stupid idea if the do and this is pure romour anyway.

Oh well, this looks good. Hopefully the menu lag etc will be fixed. Oh and I can't wait for the world cup in HD :D.
Attu said:
From what ive heard when the TVDRIVE comes out they wont be using it for High deff, the idea is to launch it promoting the three tuner capabilaties of the box and even though the box is HD-ready they wont be using it as a HD box right away, it sounds like a stupid idea if the do and this is pure romour anyway.


They already have HD content listed using their teleport system, if you try it you get told you need a TVDrive, so i suspect thats a load of rubbish.
I read that there'll only be a few HD channels to begin with, which it to be expected. Mainly through Teleport like Orifice said, Hopefully they dont charge to much for the box, apparently you'll pay an extra £15 a month for the HD channels, so hopefully that means you get the box for free! (please!)
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