Terminal Services Server 2008R2 - Many questions

7 Jun 2003
Question 1.
I have a terminal server which i setup initially to test the remote app capability of server 2008R2 and now that i've tested it i want to move forwards with it, currently the following roles are installed:
Remote Desktop Session Host
Remote Desktop Connection Broker
Remote Desktop Gateway
Remote Desktop Web Access

I want this server to be the server people connect to for the web front end of remote app, when an app is loaded i want it to load from a different server. Do i require just Remote Desktop Gateway on tis server or do i need the Web Access part as well? I'm unsure what session host and connection broker both do specifically and whether they are required for this functionality.

Question 2:
Once i've established Q1, which roles do i require in order for the second server to be the remote app source as well as a server that can be directly remote desktoped to and nothing else?
The explanations of them all feel as though they overlap so i'm getting confused as to what is required for each area of functionality.
EDIT: is it Session Host + Connection Broker i need for this one? EDIT2: Done this now, too impatient to wait for a reply :p going to wait for a reply to Q1 though as i don't want to screw up my current setup.

Question 3:
Next i want this as secure as possible, i have a wildcard certificate for *.websitedomain.net can i use this certificate as the digital certificate on this or should i just use a self signed one? - EDIT: Done this now, ignore Q3 and Q2

Question 4:
Is there any way of getting remoteapp working properly in firefox etc? As it uses activex controls will it only ever be useable in IE?

Thanks for any help with these, absolutely love TS in 2008R2 but there's a lot to learn coming from 2003R2 :)
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