Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Wow.. does detsroying demon alters make loads of things come at night?

First time in 1.1 and there's 4 of us.
We easily defeat the Wall of Flesh and then went on to destroy 3 demon alters.
Then at night it was a Blood Moon and we were destroyeddd! But it was so much fun for the entire night.

Art: I've never used the Meteor Armour/Space Gun combo but the Shadow Armour is really good with the Minishark because of the range damage and uses less ammo. Really powerful with the Clockwork Rifle.
Is anyone just starting out on this game? I would probably play it if I had someone to play along with. I played it in the past and just lost interest too fast alone :(
Is the Meteor Armour/Space Gun combo any good, or is it better to just jump straight for the Shadow Armour?

Annoyingly yes, meteor armour seems pointless as people generally get the shadow armour first. It's pretty imbalanced really, the devs should actually make some use for the meteor armour - the space gun thing isn't enough of an advantage I found.

Is anyone just starting out on this game? I would probably play it if I had someone to play along with. I played it in the past and just lost interest too fast alone :(

I've just started out and I'm forcing myself not to use the map viewer or get any items from my previous world - it's slower going that's for sure. Fun though in its own way :)

If we had another server just for lower tier players, I'd probably join. It'll take me a while to get to a hard-mode capable character.
Wow.. does detsroying demon alters make loads of things come at night?

First time in 1.1 and there's 4 of us.
We easily defeat the Wall of Flesh and then went on to destroy 3 demon alters.
Then at night it was a Blood Moon and we were destroyeddd! But it was so much fun for the entire night.

Well its hardly a surprise. Blood Moon increases enemy spawn rate and maximum number of monsters so if you're near Hallowed or Corruption (or both) you'll get swarmed by nasty monsters.
Attempt 2: Got the wall to under 1000 health and... ran out of road again, those little things he spawns wreck me so i have to get further away and i guess i miss him a lot :(

i think i need water walking potions :(, where do i get shark fins from?
Where are you fighting it? I'd suggest making a spawn point halfway through the underworld, and then going all the way to the left or right of the map and then summon him. Using a demon scythe, he can be killed well before he reaches the halfway point! :) Shark fins are dropped by sharks, in the oceans. There is an ocean on both sides of the map. :) They've got around 300hp and can be a bit tough in groups.
Hmm, im fighting it on a bridge thats id say 1000 blocks long now (just upgraded it) with full molten and phoenix blaster, going to get some more potions and hopefully this time i can kill it :(
Would you like a hand? If you've got a demon scythe I'd recommend using that. Bring plenty of mana potions and keep spamming it, he goes down in no time!
Just killed him, i didnt have an iron skin potion last time and got obliterated, only had to use one healing potion this time :) now the fun of having overpowered enemies comes :(
does all the new stuff get added into existing worlds in offline mode?
or should i make a new world?

As far as I know a new world never gets new patch content.

Wall of Flesh vs Megashark w/ Crystal Bullets, he lasts about 15-20 seconds max. Eye of Cthulhu vs Megashark w/ Crystal Bullets, he lasted less than 5 seconds and never managed to attack ><

Wish there was an easier way to get hold of Souls of Light/Night. Killing mobs is so unreliable since they don't drop anything 90% of the time.
Is anyone just starting out on this game? I would probably play it if I had someone to play along with. I played it in the past and just lost interest too fast alone :(

I'm pretty new. Still learning the ropes myself. Really enjoying the exploring aspect. No way near taking on anything bigger than me.

Feel free to pop on the server. I'm usually around when I'm not working.
Hard mode is scary, been playing it for like 30 mins and already pooped myself a few times, got attacked by a CHEST?!!?? then some funky flying hammer... what is this madness. I cant move away from my house without getting attacked or go underground to get armour :( found some blue stuff but i cant mine it yet, do i need a hellstone pick?
You need a Molten Pickaxe to mine Cobalt, a Cobalt Drill to mine Mythril, a Mythril Drill to mine Adamantite and an Adamantite Drill plus other stuff to get a Hamdrax that mines pretty much everything like its butter. Just make sure you go and destroy as many Demon Altars as you can find since it increases the amount of ore in the game.

Try to get yourself a full set of each armour before you move up a tier though since Hallowed Armour requires all the previous pieces, same goes for the Repeater, Sword and Spear.
Been playing SP and so far not getting anywhere quick :(

built a house and have 3 npc's, keep dying a lot with zombies & other enemy owning me.

been trying to get a grapple hook made up but its awkward
Hmm, with the star cannon, the destroyer was too easy. I'm thinking that taking on all 3 at the same time would be fairly straight-forward even without hallowed gear. I did use quite a large amount of ammo on the destroyer though. :p

I just learned that pressing the B key will activate all buffs available, wish I had known that before...!

Tried all 3, almost managed it. My fighting area was full of random blocks in the air which really slowed me down. Will retry, but I've run out of stars. -.-

I saw this earlier: http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/unfinished-holy-fortress-of-the-emperor-of-man.67001/

The predicted size is staggering. An area of 3.6million blocks, made by people in hardcore mode. I'm skeptical, but it would be awesome!
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